Yo I think the USB Loader issue I'm having is because I don't have an internet connection on the wii
(I don't even understand why one would need an internet connection on the console to hack it) Apparently the programs I'm using
(uLoader/USB Loader GX/COPS 222 installer/cIOSX rev20b insatller/Installer for Wiigator's Cmios/Ios236 installer/ etc) aren't actually the files themselves but are like third party files that direct you to download the files you need once you're connected to the internet. But again, I'm a complete noob at this so This is only an assumption by me. Would be nice if someone with some experience could verify that for me
ERROR! USB Loader GX needs unstubbed cIOS 222 v4 or 249 v9+ I found 222 = 0 249
Is there no way I could get the unstubbed cIOS 22 v4 or 249 v9: without a wired or wireless connection to the wii?
@ The help a n!gga is receiving from this site also.
Good job Coli