Scustin Bieburr
Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
First they came for the alphabet gang, and I did not speak out—
Because I was from Harlem.
Then they came for the passport brehs, and I did not speak out—
Because I had better luck with women.
Then they came for the JBO gang, and I did not speak out—
Because I go outside.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
I've created this thread because enough of you voted for it. Whether the mods sticky it or put it in another forum is up to them.
Unless you live under a rock, you know that white America has once again, allowed itself to be seduced by nostalgia and its own hatred into thinking that it's a reasonable idea to hurt themselves if they think others will get it worse. There are of course many reasons for this, but the top 3 reasons that seem to make the most sense to me are below.
So now we have an open white supremacist who has said that Hitler did some things right
That immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country, a statement that more than a quarter of respondents on a poll agreed with
Posted a video describing a 'unified reich' if he won the 2024 election
and of course, is being bankrolled by the world's richest Nazi who has still not apologized for an obvious nazi salute because why would he? who will check him when he's the richest man alive?
He's already begun to roll back civil rights legislation and has began attempting to deport people. This is of course, a mirror of what nazis did when they took power in Germany. There is no longer a need for plausible deniability because he has the mainstream media on his side who are terrified of two things:
1. Losing access
2. Being sued
And it helps that they are owned by billionaires who have now bent the knee
States will start enacting laws infringing on your privacy, your rights, and will double and triple down on teaching children that your humanity is a topic which is up for debate. Your intelligence will be questioned as you're told that you must have been a "DEI hire" and that any discussion about historical FACTS that occured in this country are examples of "critical race theory". Every day you will be assaulted with news showing the latest cruel or stupid thing that his administration and those alligned with it are doing. The media will of course minimize just how bad it is and monetize your outrage for more money. It is ragebait, a classic tool pioneered by fox news and deployed now across the media spectrum and on social media too.
Key context, opposing viewpoints, and additional facts are purposefully left out of reporting in order to manufacture consent.
Because I was from Harlem.
Then they came for the passport brehs, and I did not speak out—
Because I had better luck with women.
Then they came for the JBO gang, and I did not speak out—
Because I go outside.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
I've created this thread because enough of you voted for it. Whether the mods sticky it or put it in another forum is up to them.
Unless you live under a rock, you know that white America has once again, allowed itself to be seduced by nostalgia and its own hatred into thinking that it's a reasonable idea to hurt themselves if they think others will get it worse. There are of course many reasons for this, but the top 3 reasons that seem to make the most sense to me are below.
1. The failure of reconstruction and the empowering of white people who felt resentful that their path to the middle and upper class was closed now that the entire economy built upon slavery was effectively made illegal. In modern terms, that's the equivalent of being told that you cannot buy stocks, cryptocurrency or lottery tickets. This of course led to an increased hatred of black people, and segregation.
2. A decline in America's educational standards. Families who could not afford to pack up and leave and pay for private schools had to "tolerate" black children going to the same schools as their own children and run the risk of them learning that black people are in fact, human beings. Naturally, republicans have continued to cut funding in education and increase the costs of post-secondary education to the point where 21% of the population is illiterate and OVER HALF read BELOW a 6th grade level
Simply put, the American public is literally too stupid to know when they are being conned so naturally, they vote for a con man.
3. The failure of the democratic party to stand up to the growing oligarchy. Whether it was repealing the glass steagle act(look up why it existed) or doing nothing to overturn the citizens united ruling when they had the power to do so. The establishment democrats who are literally millionaires or aspiring millionaires refused to change these things because it was good for business. As a result, we now have a news media owned by billionaires. Social media platforms owned by billionaires. Bankers who have sold 401ks to the public as alternatives to traditional retirement funds. The 401ks are of course invested in the market which the billionaires control. So they will of course clap back with "what about the millions of people whose retirements are tied up in funds which include our company stock? you regulate us, and you hurt them".
2. A decline in America's educational standards. Families who could not afford to pack up and leave and pay for private schools had to "tolerate" black children going to the same schools as their own children and run the risk of them learning that black people are in fact, human beings. Naturally, republicans have continued to cut funding in education and increase the costs of post-secondary education to the point where 21% of the population is illiterate and OVER HALF read BELOW a 6th grade level

48+ US Literacy Statistics 2025 - Percentage by State
Millions of Americans are illiterate. Check out the literacy statistics to find out which state is the worst rated. Percentage of adults that cannot read.

3. The failure of the democratic party to stand up to the growing oligarchy. Whether it was repealing the glass steagle act(look up why it existed) or doing nothing to overturn the citizens united ruling when they had the power to do so. The establishment democrats who are literally millionaires or aspiring millionaires refused to change these things because it was good for business. As a result, we now have a news media owned by billionaires. Social media platforms owned by billionaires. Bankers who have sold 401ks to the public as alternatives to traditional retirement funds. The 401ks are of course invested in the market which the billionaires control. So they will of course clap back with "what about the millions of people whose retirements are tied up in funds which include our company stock? you regulate us, and you hurt them".
So now we have an open white supremacist who has said that Hitler did some things right

Trump said Hitler 'did some good things' and wanted generals like the Nazis, former chief of staff Kelly claims
John Kelly's new warnings came just two weeks before Election Day, as former President Donald Trump seeks a second term vowing to dramatically expand his use of the military at home and suggesting he would use force to go after Americans he considers “enemies from within.”

A third of Americans agree with Trump that immigrants ‘poison the blood’ of US
Founder of polling firm that conducted survey says: ‘That language is straight out of Mein Kampf … it’s Nazi rhetoric’
and of course, is being bankrolled by the world's richest Nazi who has still not apologized for an obvious nazi salute because why would he? who will check him when he's the richest man alive?
He's already begun to roll back civil rights legislation and has began attempting to deport people. This is of course, a mirror of what nazis did when they took power in Germany. There is no longer a need for plausible deniability because he has the mainstream media on his side who are terrified of two things:
1. Losing access
2. Being sued
And it helps that they are owned by billionaires who have now bent the knee
Trump, a populist president, is flanked by tech billionaires at his inauguration
Some of the most exclusive seats at President Donald Trump’s inauguration were reserved for powerful tech CEOs who also are among the world’s richest men.

States will start enacting laws infringing on your privacy, your rights, and will double and triple down on teaching children that your humanity is a topic which is up for debate. Your intelligence will be questioned as you're told that you must have been a "DEI hire" and that any discussion about historical FACTS that occured in this country are examples of "critical race theory". Every day you will be assaulted with news showing the latest cruel or stupid thing that his administration and those alligned with it are doing. The media will of course minimize just how bad it is and monetize your outrage for more money. It is ragebait, a classic tool pioneered by fox news and deployed now across the media spectrum and on social media too.
Rage-baiting - Wikipedia
Key context, opposing viewpoints, and additional facts are purposefully left out of reporting in order to manufacture consent.

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia
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