Pros and Cons of Taking Steroids


Les Enfants Terribles
Jul 10, 2014
This video is funny AF.

Didn't need it though, saw one of my friends pecs deflate in real time. Had to walk around with what basically was a sippy cup hanging from his chest siphoning boob juice from his one pec that resembled a used condom. Dude had one pec and flabby man boob for months.


Jun 6, 2013
An issue I think, and this would depress me, is you start taking them, make serious gains and then for whatever reason you are forced to stop taking them (financial reasons,health) etc etc and then you shrink. I think some would lose motivation to go to the gym again, when people come up you saying 'what happened man', (you know privately they are pleased you look average again)

Now people say, to those who make a mistake while juicing'oh you were an idiot, no wonder that happened , you didn't do your research' but what 'research',just try typing in any commonly used legal supplement, and you get complete opposite opinions on the internet, even so called 'scientific studies' ,you find later were either directly sponsored by a supplement company or one of the so called doctors had links to one. And as for offline research, what 'broscience' at the gym? just because one guy get great results off a compound , with zero to little side effects, on a certain dosage, who's to say you will get that? and people lie and don't always say what else they are taking.

The problems is those at the higher levels of bodybuilding get access to doctors ,coaches with huge experience, and all that comes with that, it's the young lads in the gyms ,who are just starting out, expecting results yesterday who are the ones who can get fukked up. Those are the ones who rely on internet and 'broscience', At my gym, even where we do have people who compete at amateur competitons in bodybuilding and powerlifting, the guy who owns it competed in a universe alongside arnold and franco, we have someone else who competes worldwide in powerflifting meets, we have had two deaths that I know of due to what they had in their systems , no not directly due to steroids, but because they bought stuff from dealers what they bought had all sorts of shyt in it, allegedly one ingested rat poison without realising.

I know several more who had bad reactions, one indeed got bytch t*ts and needed plastic surgery that the UK national health service refused to cover so he had to go private and had to get a loan to pay it off. Two others, one dude, lost it in a supermarket and it scared him so much he just binned it all, and it's sad to see how he looked while on them , and how he looks now. Another, had it far worse and got into a fight with the police, and ended up in a mental hospital. Now again steriods wasn't directly responsible they weren't only taking steroids ,but both guys were taking perfomrance enhancing drugs off dealers, including steroids the problem is you can't be completely sure what you are getting. and what the quality is.

Me? Iam at the halfway house, I take animal supplements I wouldn't say Iam 'natural' like I was before , , including their hormone boosters and one which alters protein synthesis, I started to take these after I plateaued in the gym, so far I haven't yet stopped making progress, they are very good supplements, I don't think they are completely without risk,but the effects from these supplements positive and negative are an ocean away from steroids, and even with these I have noticed not just positive but a few minor issues, a few spots on back and shoulders , aggression, sweating more, a bit of water retention,hair growth on body ,a bit of hair loss on head , higher sex drive,

It's all about a balance, what you are trying to achieve and what you are prepared to risk. Personally I might compete at some point so will have to reassess, my stance on steriods,but right now, I personally think I can build a very decent body without them, now Iam somewhat blessed with having decent genetics, a gym that I can use 24//7 with all the right equipment in it, and the money for the best protein and supplements out, but don't think you don't need all of that as well with a steroid course. Personally I think unless you are very unfortunate genetically, the majority of guys can build decent bodies in the gym without them,but I think it's unfortunate that younger men especially have little patience, because the grass isn't always greener.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
Unless you are an elderly person with strength issues, don't take it.
Grannies take it to get strength, but they are just trying to walk, stand up and get around the house, not deadlift 300+ lbs.


All Star
Jul 29, 2012
This video is funny AF.

Didn't need it though, saw one of my friends pecs deflate in real time. Had to walk around with what basically was a sippy cup hanging from his chest siphoning boob juice from his one pec that resembled a used condom. Dude had one pec and flabby man boob for months.
May 20, 2012
An issue I think, and this would depress me, is you start taking them, make serious gains and then for whatever reason you are forced to stop taking them (financial reasons,health) etc etc and then you shrink. I think some would lose motivation to go to the gym again, when people come up you saying 'what happened man', (you know privately they are pleased you look average again)

Now people say, to those who make a mistake while juicing'oh you were an idiot, no wonder that happened , you didn't do your research' but what 'research',just try typing in any commonly used legal supplement, and you get complete opposite opinions on the internet, even so called 'scientific studies' ,you find later were either directly sponsored by a supplement company or one of the so called doctors had links to one. And as for offline research, what 'broscience' at the gym? just because one guy get great results off a compound , with zero to little side effects, on a certain dosage, who's to say you will get that? and people lie and don't always say what else they are taking.

The problems is those at the higher levels of bodybuilding get access to doctors ,coaches with huge experience, and all that comes with that, it's the young lads in the gyms ,who are just starting out, expecting results yesterday who are the ones who can get fukked up. Those are the ones who rely on internet and 'broscience', At my gym, even where we do have people who compete at amateur competitons in bodybuilding and powerlifting, the guy who owns it competed in a universe alongside arnold and franco, we have someone else who competes worldwide in powerflifting meets, we have had two deaths that I know of due to what they had in their systems , no not directly due to steroids, but because they bought stuff from dealers what they bought had all sorts of shyt in it, allegedly one ingested rat poison without realising.

I know several more who had bad reactions, one indeed got bytch t*ts and needed plastic surgery that the UK national health service refused to cover so he had to go private and had to get a loan to pay it off. Two others, one dude, lost it in a supermarket and it scared him so much he just binned it all, and it's sad to see how he looked while on them , and how he looks now. Another, had it far worse and got into a fight with the police, and ended up in a mental hospital. Now again steriods wasn't directly responsible they weren't only taking steroids ,but both guys were taking perfomrance enhancing drugs off dealers, including steroids the problem is you can't be completely sure what you are getting. and what the quality is.

Me? Iam at the halfway house, I take animal supplements I wouldn't say Iam 'natural' like I was before , , including their hormone boosters and one which alters protein synthesis, I started to take these after I plateaued in the gym, so far I haven't yet stopped making progress, they are very good supplements, I don't think they are completely without risk,but the effects from these supplements positive and negative are an ocean away from steroids, and even with these I have noticed not just positive but a few minor issues, a few spots on back and shoulders , aggression, sweating more, a bit of water retention,hair growth on body ,a bit of hair loss on head , higher sex drive,

It's all about a balance, what you are trying to achieve and what you are prepared to risk. Personally I might compete at some point so will have to reassess, my stance on steriods,but right now, I personally think I can build a very decent body without them, now Iam somewhat blessed with having decent genetics, a gym that I can use 24//7 with all the right equipment in it, and the money for the best protein and supplements out, but don't think you don't need all of that as well with a steroid course. Personally I think unless you are very unfortunate genetically, the majority of guys can build decent bodies in the gym without them,but I think it's unfortunate that younger men especially have little patience, because the grass isn't always greener.
interesting post