How the sales numbers doing 

Man, these Nerds are Weird.A few outfits got “Censored” when they said they’d be no censorship
Eve kind of a bytch
It's just hilarious that that came out of her mouth and it's like and what. What you going to do about it.Barry has a drink problem. Do his side missions.
Why the fukk are the controller responses so slow in this game? Y'all already talk about it and found a solution?
Man, this is top tier ass game...except the controls....trash repulse timing and shytty response got me falling off cliffsNo you just have to get used to the timing, you don’t parry as you press the button you parry as you release it
Man, this is top tier ass game...except the controls....trash repulse timing and shytty response got me falling off cliffs
some negatives:
the platforming is almost unacceptable and the combat controls are needlessly expansive. you can cut half of this shyt out of the game and have fun. shyt is like a tekken move list to kill a set of enemies that are about 60% poisonous swamp rats and radioactive roaches
the music and aesthetic is also derivative as hell. this might as well be next-gen nier except it would be more polished and with much better writing and voice acting.
if eve wasnt so sexy, she would be forgotten very easily. cliche names (eve, adam, lily (lilith of mythology)) and bland personalities. i get that eve is a fish out of water but damn, she is too much of a blank slate for the amount of hours you spend with her.
the game is still at least a 7.5 since it more or less is a functional and reasonably fun verison of a 3d action adventure game, albeit too familiar.
the most important point i was getting across was that this game is very derivative.I think some of you have rose tinted glasses on for Nier. Its a good game but its not actually that fun to play and teh story doesnt actually pick up until like the 2nd playthrough
the most important point i was getting across was that this game is very derivative.