Y’all nikkas weird 

that's the world today.
problem is no one would care if the game was looking like trash.
but "some" are worried about the ramifications (copycats) trying to outdo Shift Up.
i cant believe titties and ass are causing this much of a commotion. i swear this shyt cant be that distracting.![]()
It's not so much that. It's the fact that incel and right wing Twitter have made the game a tentpole for their agenda. Look up the crusade against Sweet Baby, Inc and others who consult on making games more diverse and authentic. But it's just a shytty dogwhistle for "i just want to beat my dikk to game characters and not have to look at "realistic" ones." It's silly. And the super-woke people instead of using the COPIOUS examples of sexy game characters over the last decade, just entrench themselves further with pointless thinkpieces.
I personally think they didn't go far enough with Eve though. She's literally just a robot. I'd prefer something like Bayonetta who's sexy, knows she's sexy and doesn't apologize for being sexy. But to these incel types, an emotionless, uncannily beautiful and opinionless robot is sexier than a character like Bayonetta.
Agree, its bigger than the game, its just more warring derived from gamer gate and now this sweet baby crusade. More japanese and asian specific games are going to be caught up in this.
But on the charactization of Eve, it’s clear they are going for more of a Ghost In The Shell/Major, or EVA route.
Btw, that moment in GITS freaked me the fukk out as a kid. But it also reminds me how DOGshyt modern anime's art style is.
Ya'll are furiousY’all nikkas weird![]()
AKIRA the GOATThats another reason why this game appeals to me,. It’s going for that late 80’s to mid 90’s anime tone and storytelling. This should would have rang off as an actual anime movie back in the day.
This scene in Akira flipped a switch in my head.
Best looking videogame character of all time.
Yep!Over Chun-Li, Cammy, Lara Croft, Jill Valentine, Bayonetta, Morrigan, Tifa, 2B, Mai Shuranui, Vice, Mature, Ada Wong....I could go on.
We have a new GOAT.