As people have already said, open racism is basically taking it from the kitchen table or basement during a ballgame to the water cooler at work. This opens it up from being something to be ashamed of (hence it once being hidden) to actually being accepted as a perspective. A "difference of opinion."
"Slavery was awful."
"Ok, but they were savages and the slaveowners tamed them and taught them skills."
See how that shyt is suddenly an opinion that can be shared in open air forums?
If you tolerate the intolerable for long enough, its passé. It's old news.
"Why are you talking about racism? In fact, blacks are the most racist."
Nah, B. Giving bigotry the same level of commonality as discussing your favorite flavor of ice cream or who is your favorite boxer leads to some shyt.
Did the Charlottesville march not teach us anything? We used to be all
when some white line-stepper gets fired...recall the anti "cancel culture" sentiment. What happens when those sentiments and incidents are still being captured on social media and the news but the appetite for punishment is no longer there because people are just "stating their opinions." Thats not to say people don't do foul shyt and keep their jobs, but these knuckleheads talmbout they want racism out in the open basically want Emmitt Till results to come back strong huh?
"Not innocent your honor."
"Not guilty."
...the very next year OUT IN THE OPEN for $4000...
"Yea, we did that."
Before, it was the catalyst for the civil rights movement a buncha cats on here seem to hate. Now? Won't shyt happen and folks will be online e-militarizing about all the shyt they WON'T do in the face of open racism.