** POWERFUL DOC ** Adam Curtis Has Done it Again - Can't Get You Out of My Head

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Explores how humanity has gotten where it is today and tells the story of how those in power use social conditioning to maintain power keep much darker undercurrants of society at bay. However in doing so it has resulted in an inability to imagine a better world.

I am half way through and it is pure genius. It touches on climate change, the rise conspiracy theories, the rise of right wing nationalism AI, and those who attempted to challenge the status quo of their societies but ultimately failed.

Parts 1, 2 and 3

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Apr 8, 2021
Schooling people takes forever; don't bother
ok, 2 hours into "can't get you out of my head" doc (8 hours total), first quote from post-WWII psychology experiments: "you cant change people's behavior by appealing to them rationally" because the brain takes in complicated outside digital data, simplifies it, and then converts it into biochemical analog data with mood shifts, where the brain mass does irrational things outside of presented logic. individualism in the western world means you can't impose your will on their freedoms and yet you keep them in a dream world of being safe and happy with economic deterrents of what to and what not to do where you set rules to promote sheep dogs to herd themselves. this is how the power elites justify their actions to erode the public monetary system for people to be perpetually have a dangling carrot and be whipped for them to not be stagnant for society to progress, but then there is corporate greed...i mean, there is flaws in this logic, but sure.

so he cited the book 'The Industrialization of Intelligence: Mind and Machine in the Modern Age'. basically, someone made math equations out of greek philosophers where human traits are variables able to be solved. he said that the human condition is transitory like mood shifts and feelings produced by the biochemical mind but extend to your definition of self. people are not stagnant and all virtues of how you define yourself and present yourself to others is a habit formed over time that could be transitory as long as you allow yourself to be malleable to the best conditions of what you want to be as memories fade or as internal and external conditions change for new habits to be formed. those with a mechanical stagnant view to themselves and the world are totally screwed because they never change because they never realize they are living in a transitory experience

so, people act irrationally and their angst reflect the power structures of the system as well as how the economy is set up. revolutionaries overtake the old system just to end up finding themselves implementing the same rules because the system calls for scarcity and they have easy scapegoats to blame for the fault of the collective. instead of changing the scarcity economic system, which is the root cause, the easy fix is to ostracize whole communities and create more dissonance. with more freedom, people suffer from angst simply because of uncertainty of the economic system without safety nets. it's the economic system at fault and people would rather seek to fix the symptoms with pills or distractions instead of fixing the main problem that the economic system makes people act irrational and greedy

4 hours in the doc...to change the world, you must change yourself. and yet in the age of the individual, self need and self actualization makes it hard for the individual to sacrifice for the greater common good of the people, even if it is correct, because there are too many people, too many problems, and too many corrupt gov to overthrow, so people end up turning more inwards than outwards towards self needs on maslow's lowest pyramid tiers to just survive and save yourself out of darwinistic instincts, so certain revolutionaries end up looking for power, end up corrupt, get bribed to turn the other way, or come back empty handed midway out of self preservation, so you might as well put up a front for demands for the current power structure to give you some consolation prize, dam...the system is at fault and not the people who play on the system's rules

the UN was created to challenge bureaucracy and politicians and not just replace one corrupt gov with another one that is also corrupt. human irrationality is derived from thinking one way and then behaving totally differently. we measure a person by his actions and not by the way he thinks because those can be totally opposite and is counterproductive of each other. to override human irrationality of looking out for yourself and fight for the greater common good, guard rails in technology is created to prevent people from being counterproductive to progress society but then that same technology is used to siphon people into their own sounding boards and distract others into their own technological asylums in time wasters such as gaming. it's as if the technology is used as the new pacifier of the economy/gov outside of pharma to keep the status quo and keep the free thinkers of society on an ongoing goose hunt with no finish line

5.5 hours in the doc. meanwhile, the short circuited ways of how counties made money in the past of slave and opium trades as well as false nationalism by race-scapegoating have come back to haunt them because those countries and people have come to prominence in this modernized world. western societies because of pride have to paint another narrative that their regimes were righteous for what they did and also fear retaliation of what transpired in the past. it's basically newton's law...what comes around goes around and we are in this perpetual dance of exploitation, war, and retaliation until cooler heads prevail and put a stop to this nonsense and instead fight for the greater common good to triumph over individual needs

part 6 is pretty good. basically, humans think they are rational but they act in irrational ways, there is a disconnect between the decision center what really happens as a byproduct in your actions because there are multiple versions of yourself trapped within you. consciousness basically wraps your actions and tell you a story in hindsight for why you did certain things. computer programs are used to predict human irrationality to make money instead of solving for why we behave differently than expected. instead of solving the crux of overcoming irrationality to have humans be unified, we bypassed and devalued consciousness with faux individual sounding boards on the internet and decided to monetize the phenomenon with distractions by instigating stigma into the population for humans to be more predictable in their actions, not to solve world problems, but a cash grab

the people in charge of the technocracy are fearful of what humans are really capable of and chose to worship complexity/chaos theory of human irrationality and separate us into factions. if we simply used the technology to have humans make decisive decisions and separate them from their irrationality, that is the way we solve all the issues of the world for us to realize our own faults of human nature as well as faults of the system. people in power are not ready for that and just mull around old technology and bureaucracy unable to give humans the ultimate freedom of having their own consciousness to dictate their rational selves on how to act without unconscious impulses and override human irrationality

power and money corrupts and make you empty. it's always a vanishing moving goal post. people tried to re-envision ways of the past with old gov, ideologies, and nationalism but awaken the ugly past of how things were but doesn't provide a solution for the collective whole because at the center of human ideology is self centeredness of incentives for how they would benefit at the expense of others, and this will have an endless accusation of hypocrisy and faux revolution because it is a part of human nature to be irrational. instead of having machines learn from past data to understand, model, and mimic human irrationality, causing economic crisis and inequality. we need to have human rationality and consciousness takeover our actions and decisions with the aid of machines

adjust human behavior not by studying past data or mass surveillance, but have people make better decisions with the help of machines. past data only maintains past status quo. for a society to progress, do not suppress or bypass human nature with faux rewards and incentives like a trained animal. you can only suppress human raw emotions with distractions and rewards, which are symptoms. to address the main issue, you have to work with human consciousness and help make humans rational and care for the collective without any gimmicks. machines are unsympathetic, calculating, and are as cold as the corporations themselves. we need a symbiosis of machines and humans doing productive things and making rational decisions and think for the greater common good instead of immediate selfish needs

the human condition is to share experiences and take people on your journey for common goals, agreements, functionality, and relations. the way that society is set up today is backwards because the more you climb up the social ladder, the more isolated you are and feel from everyone else. bring people with you alongside your journey by creating new opportunities for others and not simply hoard opportunities for yourself. society need to override human nature: stop being cutthroat/backstab everyone else. remove the zero sum mindset, set up the economy where it's more surplus instead of scarcity driven to provide the greater common good to everyone for people to be creative to push the expansion of human creativity instead of trying to regulate everything based on past status quo conditions


somewhat related: i can't believe that we have to wait until the year 3906 for humanity to solve itself. replicate a country who figured it out and force the existing economic government structure to change itself, ffs. america has a large population with huge red tape bureaucracy and corporate interests instigating for any of this to change while other european countries have already figured it out, watch 'where to invade next' by michael moore

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