Nah, shiit was poop. That whole Unique shiit was poop. Raq was pregnant by Nique who cares especially since she aborted it. Girl was always hot for Juke? Who cares she sill fukked Kanan. A phone booth conventially in the middle of nowhere. Nique with scaring and no blood in hois face and eyes is able to walk to the phone booth and ably to se the buttons to call ET. Et just happens to no where he is. That shiit was ass and unnecessaryLove the world-building on this show and how the universe feels lived-in. This season premiere was dope in how it mostly explored things we didn’t see between 3x06 and 3x08 from last season. The death of the Nicole character still permeates throughout the show’s narrative four seasons in. Characters are introduced or mentioned and are explored much later in the series. Next level writing and creativity