Following the unforgettable second season of Power Book II: Ghost, the third season of the acclaimed spinoff is gearing up to be another hit among fans. As announced by STARZ on Tuesday (March 15), three new recurring cast members have been announced—Gbenga Akinnagbe, Kyle Vincent Terry, and Caroline Chikezie.
Akinnagbe will play Ron Samuel Jenkins, a Howard University and Harvard Business School alum who grew up working class and built his own legitimate empire. Terry will play Obi, a British transplant who is both comfortable holding a gun and a business meeting. Chikezie will play Noma, a worldly and powerful woman with a regal presence unafraid to protect her empire by any means.
As announced after the season two finale, David Walton, Moriah Brown, and Monique Garbiela Curnen joined the cast as new series regulars.
On the BMF front, La La Anthony has been upped to series regular. Kelly Hu will also be joining the cast as a series regular and Christine Horn will have a recurring role.
Anthony will reprise her role as Markisha Taylor, the smart, sophisticated, and street-savvy wife of a powerful Detroit dealer. Terry Flenory, played by Da’Vinchi, begins to pursue her relentlessly and they develop a friendship in spite of obvious risks. Hu will portray Detective Veronica Jin, an intelligent, tough cop whose emotional journey is both universal and unique as the only Asian American female detective in the murder capital of the world in the ‘80s. Horn will recur as Mabel Jones, a trusted friend and neighbor to the Flenory family who will soon discover there’s more to their neighbor that they realize.
Dates for the new seasons have yet to be announced. Previous seasons of both BMF and Power Book II: Ghost are available on STARZ
New Cast Members Headed To ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ And ‘BMF’ –
Following the unforgettable second season of Power Book II: Ghost, the third season of the acclaimed spinoff is gearing up to be another hit among fans. As announced by STARZ on Tuesday (March 15), three new recurring cast members have been announced—Gbenga Akinnagbe, Kyle Vincent Terry, and Caroline Chikezie.
Akinnagbe will play Ron Samuel Jenkins, a Howard University and Harvard Business School alum who grew up working class and built his own legitimate empire. Terry will play Obi, a British transplant who is both comfortable holding a gun and a business meeting. Chikezie will play Noma, a worldly and powerful woman with a regal presence unafraid to protect her empire by any means.
As announced after the season two finale, David Walton, Moriah Brown, and Monique Garbiela Curnen joined the cast as new series regulars.
On the BMF front, La La Anthony has been upped to series regular. Kelly Hu will also be joining the cast as a series regular and Christine Horn will have a recurring role.
Anthony will reprise her role as Markisha Taylor, the smart, sophisticated, and street-savvy wife of a powerful Detroit dealer. Terry Flenory, played by Da’Vinchi, begins to pursue her relentlessly and they develop a friendship in spite of obvious risks. Hu will portray Detective Veronica Jin, an intelligent, tough cop whose emotional journey is both universal and unique as the only Asian American female detective in the murder capital of the world in the ‘80s. Horn will recur as Mabel Jones, a trusted friend and neighbor to the Flenory family who will soon discover there’s more to their neighbor that they realize.
Dates for the new seasons have yet to be announced. Previous seasons of both BMF and Power Book II: Ghost are available on STARZ
New Cast Members Headed To ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ And ‘BMF’ –