Ron Mexico
Be a porn star and complain about not being respected brehs
I guess because they took a picture together.Where did all of this get started from?
Still don't know how someone that gets peed on for money can ever be called a 'legend.' Shaka Zulu was a legend, Julius Caesar was a legend, you ma'am are a port-o-potty or a home pregnancy test.
I guess because they took a picture together.
So a bunch of virgin basement dwellers think a white woman taking a picture with a black male means they slept together. So they took to the net to vent about it. She calls them out.....and some posters cape for the bigots because she is a porn star.... can't make this up.I guess because they took a picture together.
negged. All coli and sohh legends are real legends. the nerve of you to compare coli legends to porn legends. it takes actual WORK to be a coli legend.Porn "legend". Not a real LEGEND. Just like someone can be a sohh legend or Coli legend.
I want to know what racism she's talking about.
FOH with that