Things like this are why I support radical changes. Incremental movements take too long. This was 80 years ago already and we can't come to an agreement.
1. If people matter at all and 95% of them lack the means to live without working, a society must strive to employ those who have been deemed redundant by the private sector.
2. So long as it has not surrendered monetary soverignty, there is no necessity for the society to borrow for this purpose. It may spend freely in the same way it now does and has been doing for over fifty years on dubious military escapades, which respectable opinion never seems to question on the ground that we cannot afford them.
3. Of course, the society does need a sensible plan of public works and one should not overestimate the likelihood of elected politicians forming a particularly good one, but even if the results are limited to Mussolini Modern monuments, the positive effects on total demand will outweigh any negatives apart from the imaginary bug bears of the overprivileged.
4. Even they will be amazed at the boost to business confidence which results when people suddenly have money to spend on the dreck business insists we cannot live without.

Why Don’t People Want Full Employment? Michal Kalecki’s 1943 Essay on Politics and Ideology
By Michal Kalecki* I 1. A solid majority of economists is now of the opinion that, even in a capitalist system, full employment may be secured by a government spending programme, provided there is …
1. If people matter at all and 95% of them lack the means to live without working, a society must strive to employ those who have been deemed redundant by the private sector.
2. So long as it has not surrendered monetary soverignty, there is no necessity for the society to borrow for this purpose. It may spend freely in the same way it now does and has been doing for over fifty years on dubious military escapades, which respectable opinion never seems to question on the ground that we cannot afford them.
3. Of course, the society does need a sensible plan of public works and one should not overestimate the likelihood of elected politicians forming a particularly good one, but even if the results are limited to Mussolini Modern monuments, the positive effects on total demand will outweigh any negatives apart from the imaginary bug bears of the overprivileged.
4. Even they will be amazed at the boost to business confidence which results when people suddenly have money to spend on the dreck business insists we cannot live without.