Police Rescue Pig Wearing Sweatpants From Hot Car

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
SEATTLE - Responding to a 911 call, police rescued two unattended animals trapped in a hot car - a small dog and a pot-bellied pig wearing sweatpants. Police opened the unlocked doors to find the dog "panting" and the pig "lethargic." Moreover, they reportedly found empty food and water bowls, as well as feces in the car.

After giving the animals fresh water, the officers located the owner of the car in a local watering hole down the street where they reminded the "agitated" man not to leave pets in unventilated spaces without food and water. The case has been turned over to Renton Animal Control for investigation.
No explanation was given as to why the pig was wearing sweat pants but the pig did tell a local reporter that he was "excited to get back to the gym."

Police Rescue Pig Wearing Sweatpants From Hot Car