The Picasso of the Ghetto
Platinum is an American drama which aired on UPN in 2003. Written by John Ridley and Sofia Coppola, the series is a family saga that follows two brothers who own and operate a record company.
i just found out Francis Ford Coppola exec produced itYou know what, I never watched this show
I don't even remember it
they dropped it big timeexecs dropped the ball.
some of the plots are a little too similar to what was going on in hip hop at that timeI don’t remember this at all
the powers that be had the shyt snippedI watched like the first 2 or 3 episodes and I liked it. Wish it lasted longer.
i just found out Francis Ford Coppola exec produced it
they dropped it big time
yep she wrote itWord?
I see in your op that Sofia (his daughter) co wrote it.
yep she wrote it
he was involved with the production