"Philly police bust libertarian activist Adam Kokesh during ‘smoke down’ pot rally"


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Philly police bust libertarian activist Adam Kokesh during ‘smoke down’ pot rally | The Raw Story

Philly police bust libertarian activist Adam Kokesh during ‘smoke down’ pot rally

By Stephen C. Webster
Monday, May 20, 2013 15:26 EDT

Libertarian activist and Iraq veteran Adam Kokesh was arrested Saturday at a “smoke down prohibition” marijuana rally in Philadelphia after police moved in on the crowd at 4:20 p.m. in an apparent show of force.

In Philadelphia, marijuana possession under 30 grams is punishable by a small fine and the offense is classified similarly to a parking ticket. Since decriminalization went through, activists have taken to staging open-smoking events at Independence National Historical Park, and police have mostly just ignored them.

Sunday’s event was different, however. As police milled ever-closer to the roughly 60 to 75 demonstrators present at the national park, a man with access to the public announcement system began counting down to 4:20, urging the crowd to “light that shyt” in direct disobedience to signs police placed around the area insisting that nobody would be allowed to smoke marijuana. “fukk the law, smoke it anyway!” Kokesh shouted into the microphone. “Bring it in! Hey, everybody show some love. Make it difficult for the police here.”

A total of five people were arrested during the event. Two of them — Kokesh and “Panic Hour” comedy writer N.A. Poe — remain in the Philadelphia jail pending a hearing set for later this week, according to supporters. It’s not clear what the official charges are, but the incident happened on federal land, meaning Kokesh and Poe could face charges of assaulting a federal officer, a crime that carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

In a poor-quality video shot from the scene, Kokesh appears to resist by refusing to drop his microphone, keeping his arms locked in place as police attempt to subdue the former Marine. He then turns his palms outward for the crowd to see he was being nonviolent, even as he continued to pull against police. “I am being assaulted by an officer of the law!” he says. “This is a criminal act!” Then Kokesh finally relents and officers take him away. “No victim, no crime!” activists chant as he vanishes beyond a police barricade.

It didn’t take long for conspiracy host Alex Jones to claim that Kokesh was intentionally targeted by federal officers due to his plans for a July 4 gun rally in Washington, D.C., which bans anyone except law enforcement officers from carrying a firearm in the city. His former group, Iraq Veterans Against the War, disowned Kokesh’s plan in a statement earlier in May, warning that the march may endanger participants.

Jones, however, believes that Kokesh was “singled out” from the group not for favoring marijuana legalization, but for his role as the professional rabble-rouser behind the “Open Carry March on Washington,” which had just over 4,500 Facebook profiles attached to it as of Monday afternoon. While it’s not clear if he was targeted or not, supporters told Jones that Kokesh appeared to be in federal custody.

If he is charged with assault on a federal officer and resisting arrest, his plan for a July 4 armed march on D.C. would seem to be in question. Then again, a post to the event’s page on Monday morning declared: “THIS MARCH WILL GO ON NO MATTER WHO HAS TO LEAD IT!!”

Whether that really happens remains to be seen.

Larger background is......

Activist Adam Kokesh has history of rabble-rousing and self-promotion - Washington Post

By David A. Fahrenthold and Peter Hermann,May 13, 2013

Activist Adam Kokesh has asked 1,000 people to march across the Potomac on July 4 carrying loaded rifles.

He calls it a protest against “tyranny.”

Suppose the D.C. police, as they have promised, block the marchers from crossing into Washington? How should they respond?

With Satyagraha,” Kokesh, 31, texted The Washington Post. That is a term used by Mahatma Gandhi to describe his strategy of nonviolent resistance to British rule in India.

Invoking Gandhi while advocating the carrying of loaded firearms is typical of Kokesh, who in his six years as a professional rabble-rouser has embraced positions on every side of the political spectrum.

His past activism has been focused on issues other than guns — things such as peace in Iraq, free speech in the U.S., and presidential candidate Ron Paul. And in most cases, his past stunts didn’t carry a risk of violence; they were theatrical, sometimes even comic.

The one constant through all of it: Kokesh’s tactics are designed to bring media attention to him personally — as well as whatever cause he’s fighting for. In that way, this one is like the rest.

“The thing about Adam is he’s a publicity hound. He loves the attention. He’s got a huge ego,” said Medea Benjamin, a co-founder of the women’s peace group Codepink, who has worked with Kokesh on past protests. “And I think he’s really enjoying this one.”

In 2007, for example, Kokesh protested the Iraq war in his U.S. Marine uniform. In 2008, he heckled GOP presidential nominee John McCain at the Republican convention. And in 2011, he was arrested along with liberal activists for an unauthorized dance party inside the Jefferson Memorial.

Today, he’s planning a pro-gun protest that even some gun activists think is risky.

“That’s a good way to provoke something, and that’s not likely to end well,” said Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, one of the country’s most strident pro-gun groups.

If his march happens — still a very big if — the marchers would likely run into a D.C. police roadblock, creating an armed confrontation that Washington has not seen in decades.

Kokesh’s plan has been laid out on a Facebook page: his group, with loaded rifles slung on their backs, will march peacefully around the Capitol and the White House. Then they will return across the Potomac River to Arlington Cemetery, where they began. The point: “to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated.”

For that to happen, a number of laws will have to be broken: Carrying a loaded weapon, concealed or unconcealed, is against the law in the District. Even possession of a firearm not registered in the District carries a penalty up to one year in prison. If that firearm is a pistol: five years.

D.C. police have said they won’t let it happen.

“There’s a pretty good chance we’ll meet them on the D.C. side of the bridge,” Police Chief Cathy Lanier said in a TV interview this week. (Adding to the potential chaos: Codepink says its members also plan to be on the bridge that day to offer hugs to the protesters as a counter to their pro-gun message.)

Kokesh declined an in-person or phone interview but answered a couple of questions via text message.

Did his response of “satyagraha” mean violence is unacceptable?

“Only if absolutely necessary in defense of life or limb,” he wrote.

But earlier, Kokesh had used Facebook to take a more confrontational stance. “Break whatever unconstitutional law you choose,” he wrote, saying July 4 should be a day of massive civil disobedience citywide. “ ‘Law Enforcement’ has made it clear they have no respect for the Constitution and so we will shut them down by overwhelming them.”

Police said they have not been in touch with Kokesh about the march. Kokesh said he won’t go through with it unless 10,000 people sign up on Facebook by June 1. He estimated that would translate into about 1,000 people showing up in person.

As of Monday, the number online was a little over 3,900.

This aggressive gun rights activism is a new role for Kokesh, a muscular ex-Marine who has previously formed — and cut — ties with several of Washington’s political camps. He is now best known for an Internet talk show at adamvstheman.com.

“I think Adam at this point has taken it too far,” said Codepink’s Benjamin, who was with him at the Jefferson Memorial. And she was watching as Kokesh mocked then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales by tabulating how many times Gonzales said “I don’t recall” during a congressional hearing in April 2007.

“The cameras loved it,” Benjamin said. “I remember thinking, ‘Adam’s pretty savvy about this stuff.’ ” With the rifle march, however, Benjamin thinks Kokesh is courting forces he can’t control.
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Can’t move with me in this digital space
May 1, 2012
Why would he get himself in trouble months before his major protest is about to take place?


May 2, 2012
Banana Town

no victim, no crime :dead:

imagine living in a world where if there was no victim nobody could be charged with a crime :pachaha:


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
When I say in other threads that the alternative media doesn't always agree with each other in every form..... its true....

This situation right here is creating rift right now.........b/se Kokesh who was just released today has called for this .....

Prison Planet.com » Adam Kokesh Calls For “New American Revolution”

Adam Kokesh Calls For “New American Revolution”

Imprisoned activist demands march on governors of 50 states

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
May 24, 2013

Imprisoned activist and former Marine Adam Kokesh – arrested last Saturday for exercising his First Amendment right at a protest – has called for a “new American revolution” to begin on July 4 with a march on all 50 state capitols.

Kokesh remains in a federal prison in Philadelphia on what many of his supporters claim are trumped up charges of assaulting a police officer and has been denied bail.

The former Iraq war veteran was already planning to lead a controversial armed march on Washington DC on Independence Day, but has rapidly expanded the scope of his plans, calling on an, “American Revolutionary Army (that) will march on each state capital to demand that the governors of these 50 states immediately initiate the process of an orderly dissolution of the federal government through secession and reclamation of federally held property.”

DC police responded to Kokesh’s plan for an armed march by vowing to arrest Kokesh and any other armed demonstrators who take part.

Kokesh and fellow activist N.A. Poe were arrested as they spoke at a permitted marijuana legalization rally at Independence Mall National Historic Park in Philadelphia last Saturday. Neither of the two were smoking or carrying drugs at the time.

Video of the incident shows Kokesh holding his hands up as he is dragged away by police. At no point does Kokesh appear to be resisting arrest (for which he is also charged) and he certainly does not assault any law enforcement officer.

The United States district court filing (PDF) claims that Kokesh “physically blocked and obstructed the Ranger” and also “grabbed the Ranger by the arm to hold him back.” The video does not appear to show any of this.

Kokesh says the 50 state march is “necessary to secure liberty and ensure peace,” and that, “Should one whole year from this July 4th pass while the crimes of this government are allowed to continue, we may have passed the point at which non-violent revolution becomes impossible.”

While Kokesh has attracted numerous supporters, others fear his plan for an armed march on D.C. and his aggressive rhetoric could grease the skids for gun owners to be demonized as violent extremists, in addition to increasing the chances of provocateurs being used to stage an incident during the march.

Read Kokesh’s full statement below.

“When a government has repeatedly and deliberately failed to follow its own laws, violated the fundamental human rights of its citizens, threatened the sanctity of a free press, created institutions intended to eliminate privacy of communication, waged war at the behest of special interest that threatens the public safety, killed hundreds of children with drone strikes, imprisoned and destroyed the lives of countless individuals for victimless crimes, stifled economic opportunity to maintain the dominance of the financial elite, stolen from the people through an absurd system of taxation and inflation, sold future generations into debt slavery, and abused its power to suppress political opposition, it is unfit to exist and it becomes the duty of the people to alter or abolish that government by whatever means necessary to secure liberty and ensure peace.

“A new American revolution is long overdue. This revolution has been brewing in the hearts and minds of the people for many years, but this Independence Day, it shall take a new form as the American Revolutionary Army will march on each state capital to demand that the governors of these 50 states immediately initiate the process of an orderly dissolution of the federal government through secession and reclamation of federally held property. Should one whole year from this July 4th pass while the crimes of this government are allowed to continue, we may have passed the point at which non-violent revolution becomes impossible.

“The time to sit idly by has passed. To remain neutral is to be complicit, just doing your job is not an excuse, and the line in the sand has been drawn between the people, and the criminals in Washington, D.C. While some timid souls will say that it is too early, that we can solve this problem through democratic means provided by government, that current levels of taxation are reasonable for the services provided, and that the crimes of this government are merely a tolerable nuisance, it may already be too late.

“While there is risk in drastic action, the greater danger lies in allowing this government to continue unchallenged. So if you are content with the status quo, stay home, get fat, watch the fireworks from a safe distance, and allow this Independence Day to pass like any other. But if you see as we see, and feel as we feel, we will see you on the front lines of freedom on July 4th, 2013 for this, The Final American Revolution.”

Signed, Adam Kokesh, May 23, 2013 from a cage in the Philadelphia federal prison.

Alex Jones interviewed him a few weeks he told him although judges/courts have actually ruled you can assert your 2nd Amendment in DC, his approach is not the right method to go about this..and he will face some issues. Kokesh basically responds that he wants a peaceful march and this is asserting his rights.

Prison Planet.com » Adam Kokesh Released

Adam Kokesh Released

Prison Planet.com
May 24, 2013

Political activist Adam Kokesh was released from jail this afternoon.

Kokesh was arrested last Saturday for exercising his First Amendment right at a protest. He called for a “new American revolution” to begin on July 4 with a march on all 50 state capitols.

The release was announced on his Facebook page with the following message and photograph:

Released 130524 with felony charges reduced to citations which I refused to sign. Played hardball. Won. Talk to you Monday.

Mike Rivero goes in on Kokesh on the day he's released .... saying either he is a disinformation agent trying to start something, or just out of his mind, and telling all gun owners to not support his march on state capitals plan...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMfhK0cWxdc"]What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero Friday, May 24 2013 (Commercial Free Video) - YouTube[/ame]

^^ SO AS I'VE SAID BEFORE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA/THOUGHTS IS NOT A MONOLITHIC THING ...... and should be scrutinized and is scutinized even by the people within it....... the same way FOX and CNN/MSNBC go at each (or pretend too)
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May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Ole boy is .............................................

Prison Planet.com » Adam Kokesh Raided By “Storm Trooper” Cops

Adam Kokesh Raided By “Storm Trooper” Cops

Police smash into residence of gun activist, deploy flash bang grenade

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
July 10, 2013

Days after Adam Kokesh staged an open carry protest by loading a shotgun in Washington DC, “storm trooper” police raided the former Marine’s home last night, smashing in his door and deploying a flash bang grenade before arresting Kokesh.

According to a press release issued by Kokesh’s Adam vs the Man media team, “Numerous police vehicles, including a light armored vehicle and two low-flying helicopters barricaded Adam’s street. More than 20 armored SWAT team members surrounded the house, as well as a number of detectives, and plainclothes officers. Assault rifles were aimed on all members of the team as they were handcuffed without being told why they were detained. Masked and armored police in full “Storm Trooper” gear flooded in and ransacked the residence. The team was cordoned in a front room, while Adam was pulled aside for questioning.”

Roads around Kokesh’s home, which also contains his broadcast studio, were blocked off and other residents were told to stay indoors. The raid was conducted by Herndon police as well as US Parks Police, an arm of Homeland Security.

Kokesh’s team alleges that police also assaulted Kokesh by kicking him to the floor when he politely asked to use the bathroom. Throughout the ordeal “police repeatedly showed a volatile desire to initiate aggressive, forceful conduct with detainees,” according to the press release.

Cops searched every corner of the residence while confiscating cellphones and personal items “with force”. A safe inside the residence was also forced open and the contents seized.

At around midnight, over four hours after the raid began, police left the premises and Kokesh was taken to Fairfax County Adult Detention Center.

“The ADAM VS THE MAN Team will be continuing production on the podcast and the Youtube channel as long as Adam remains imprisoned for an act of civil disobedience. We will continue to spread the message of liberty, self ownership, and the non-aggression principle regardless of the government’s relentless attacks on our operation. We will continue to combat its desperate attempts to crush a worldwide, revolutionary shift in the people’s understanding of the state’s illegitimacy—after all, good ideas don’t require force,” states the press release.

The incident took place just hours after Kokesh had recorded an interview with Alex Jones for Infowars Nightly News.


The image above shows where police smashed in the door to Kokesh’s residence and deployed a flash bang grenade. According to Kokesh’s team, “The officers used a battering ram to knock in the door after two knocks, and did not announce that they had a warrant.”

The raid followed the publishing of a YouTube video on July 4 in which Kokesh is seen to load a 12 gauge shotgun before announcing “We are the final American revolution. See you next Independence Day.”

The video was filmed at Freedom Plaza, just down the street from the White House. Under DC law, it is illegal to carry firearms in public and Kokesh could face up to five years in a federal prison.

Kokesh’s roommate Darryl Young pointed out that whereas Virginia allows open carry, in DC only politicians are allowed to protect themselves with guns.

“The point is we have the right to bear arms in all states,” he said. “We shouldn’t set standards of laws by imaginary lines called borders. In the state of Virginia, it’s an open carry state where you can legally open carry, but in the District [of Columbia], the only people allowed to walk with firearms are the criminals themselves.”

In June 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Heller v. District of Columbia, ruling that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms and that the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 is unconstitutional. However, authorities in DC have largely ignored the ruling and still impose draconian measures on anyone who wants to own a firearm.


The image above shows that media trucks were in place to broadcast news of the raid almost instantly. “How nice of the police to tell the media before we got raided,” states Kokesh’s Facebook page.

Kokesh’s open carry protest stemmed out of his call for a “new American revolution” that would have involved a march on all 50 state capitols. The former Iraq vet had previously planned to lead an armed march on Washington DC on Independence Day.

Kokesh later revised the plan after he was arrested in May for little more than exercising his First Amendment at a pro-marijuana legalization rally in Philadelphia. “When it comes to this event being executed properly,” Kokesh told the Alex Jones Show, “when the government has already escalated the violent tactics against me personally as an organizer, I can’t in good conscience go forward with a plan that is so centrally dependent and not open source.”

Kokesh’s supporters are urging people call the US Parks Police non-emergency number at (202) 619 7105 to demand Adam’s release “and that charges be placed on the individuals that committed a B&E, vandalism, destruction of property, theft, and kidnapped Adam at our home.”

The YouTube video that pre-empted the raid can be viewed below.

Kokesh also appeared as a guest on Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones just hours before the raid.

Kokesh also appeared on the Alex Jones Show on Monday to discuss his DC open carry protest.

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Jun 11, 2012
well, folks wanna be the government's enemy number 1 knowing that they're NOT going to win unless their issue suits the political interests to those in power. :laff: so good luck to him.