You see the madness that is going on now, with Papa Johns etc over Obama. They released a petition to have Donald Trumps clothing to be removed from Macy's or straight boycott over his comments on Obama and sexists comments. Over a half a million signatures now, he possibly burned his bridges with NBC and they might drop him because of his past comments over the president on live tv, and last week he had a feud with billionaire Mark Cuban, this dude is getting out of hand to keep himself in the spotlight..
Now is your time to speak out against people like these if you want the link and the story is below - Urge Macy's To Dump Donald Trump
Petition Asks Macy's To Fire Donald Trump - Business Insider
Now is your time to speak out against people like these if you want the link and the story is below - Urge Macy's To Dump Donald Trump
Petition Asks Macy's To Fire Donald Trump - Business Insider