Peta also thinks its immoral to own pets. Dogset catset brehs
Peta also thinks terrorism against people they perceive as anti animals is morally ok. They once even paid the legal fees for a convicted terrorist.
We previously reported on the bipartisan condemnation PETA received from Virginia lawmakers with the passage of legislation targeting its “animal shelter.” But PETA’s “shelter” that kills over 90% of the animals in its care is far from the organization’s only black eye—PETA was also the subject...
Peta also kills more animals than anyone, (PETA owns animals shelters and they'd rather put a dog or cat to sleep then allow someone to adopt them if they can't be released back into the wild)
Literally euthanizes animals at a higher rate that city dog pounds do. (90% of animals are killed in PETAs care)
Peta also approves of using graphic traumatizing imagery of animals being mutilated in ads targeted towards children.
So not only is PETA morally questionable in their thoughts and tactics, They are also hypocritical and do more harm to animals than anybody.