Peru, Meet Harlem. Harlem, Meet Peru: Peru Makes Trans Identifiers Classify as Mentally Ill

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
I mean gender dysmorphia is classified as a psychological condition. Jokes is jokes but thats gotta be a real fukked up way to live. Health concerns aside ive been exercising my ass off and struggling to cut down on sugar to lose weight because im not satisfied with my own body.

Shyts a daily struggle, and ive still got miles to go. But all the exercise and trash diet abstinence in the world wouldnt mean shyt if looking at my own meat in the mirror
made me feel the way looking at my gut does. :wow:

Again its easy to crack jokes until someone u love is going through this shyt. Transbreh i know and love very dearly used to worry the fukk out of me with his anger and depression until he transitioned. As a breh he did a complete 180 and became the chill ass person i always knew was within them. And he lowkey a better man than a lot of biological brehs i know.

Just leave these folks alone if they aint fukking with u or urs. Be grateful u dont have them problems. It may sound stupid asf but thats their cross to bear. Dont judge someone until u walked a mile in their shoes :ufdup: