People You Want Out Your Life Hitting You Up on Holidays Unappreciation Thread


Aug 12, 2012
Is there a thread on here about unwanted texts on Holidays?

This is something we all experience. This kid I've known since high school, we had of course ironically ended up at the same college, I had not seen him so far this semester on campus and hadn't messaged with him since New Years Day....

Now this is one of those dudes who are loyal people, and he has given me numerous rides over the years. I don't want to just use anybody but its so frustrating when you want to move on from people and they keep hitting you up.

I had thought that finally I had finally moved on, but then he sends one of those automated messages(he is one of those people) forwarded to people in his contact lists with their names...........he did this just this morning because of Easter. I still don't know whether to respond or not because it really has just become tiresome.

I remember him throwing a tantrum every single time when I was around him how his best friend(also white) from high school was so stupid for knocking up this broad when they had gotten close in the past with her getting pregnant when he didn't use a condom......and how he thought that would have given him the heads up......

Every single time..........the conversations so limited and especially in terms of this same thing........Whining and bytching about how since he had the child he doesn't hang out with him anymore........

Its those types of dudes who even when you try to talk about something else.....they stay exactly the same with the discussions........the type of person who wants to know what is going on with every SINGLE person from high school or doesn't hesitate to tell you and can't move on....

It is even more so when you cannot find ways to connect with the person and you seem to be complete opposites............especially since he has told me things that makes me say to myxelf I should have stopped being around him ages ago..........

I'm black and he is white....


The White King TuT
May 21, 2012
you should be grateful that a white person wants to hang out with your black ass


Aug 12, 2012
sup with that sig :mjpls:

Should I change the #? :shaq:

And I've decided to not respond to the guy............

Being around the guy growing up and finding out he is gonna be a cop and talking about it from time to time in the past repeating over and over again "the type of cop I'm gonna be....I'm not gonna be a a$$hole.....I'm gonna be a fair cop as long as you are to me" type of pe of comments :mjpls: and discussions about race makes me think he is a Repressed "reverse racism " flag waver

I'm usually good at reading people........I was a fool to continue to be around him in the first place