People always thinking they know whats best for you unappreciation


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
How do ya'll feel about this?

You ever have that person or people in your circle whether it be coworkers, friends or family that for some reason always think they know the remedy to your problems or in some cases even have the nerve to tell you that you have problems that you dont have?

"You work too hard, why don't you go on a vacation?"
"You're so shy, why dont you get out more"
"You've been shrinking man, start hitting the gym again"
"Yo theres this movie you got to see man, you're gonna love it"
"You dont have an Instagram account? The fukk is wrong with you."

Constructive, objective criticism is one thing but people act like they know you better than you know yourself. You are personally :smile: and just because youre not doing the same things they are they assume youre :(. What makes it worse is any rebuttal you have against their comments is bound to make you look like a total prude or a$$hole.

"I wont go on a vacation yet because I dont deserve a vacation yet. When I find myself a full time high paying job out of College thats when I'll go on one. I got bills to pay breh, I'll get mine when the time is right. :obama:"

"I'm not shy, I just have no interest in going out of my way and talking to your ass or getting into your business...because its not my business."

"I'm not in the gym because I'm saving money and working out makes me eat through my wallet; pun intended. When I go back to school my membership will be free so I'll save a couple hundred and I will be able to cook food at home thus save more money."

"I have no interest in seeing another superhero movie about the same old shyt with the same old plot twists as the 2 other prequels :comeon:"

"I see enough bad bytches on the way to work in real life, sometimes I even holla at them. Why do I need instagram again?"

etc etc. And then they continuously tell you the same things over and over again even if you have given them a legit reason why you cant take their advice. :laugh: SMH. People sometimes.

Sly Cookin

May 20, 2012
How do ya'll feel about this?

You ever have that person or people in your circle whether it be coworkers, friends or family that for some reason always think they know the remedy to your problems or in some cases even have the nerve to tell you that you have problems that you dont have?

"You work too hard, why don't you go on a vacation?"
"You're so shy, why dont you get out more"
"You've been shrinking man, start hitting the gym again"
"Yo theres this movie you got to see man, you're gonna love it"
"You dont have an Instagram account? The fukk is wrong with you."

Constructive, objective criticism is one thing but people act like they know you better than you know yourself. In some cases that may be so but more often than not its BS. What makes it worse is any rebuttal you have against their comments is bound to make you look like a total prude or a$$hole.

"I wont go on a vacation yet because I dont deserve a vacation yet. When I find myself a full time high paying job out of College thats when I'll go on one. I got bills to pay breh, I'll get mine when the time is right. :obama:"

"I'm not shy, I just have no interest in going out of my way and talking to your ass or getting into your business...because its not my business."

"I'm not in the gym because I'm saving money and working out makes me eat through my wallet; pun intended. When I go back to school my membership will be free so I'll save a couple hundred and I will be able to cook food at home thus save more money."

"I have no interest in seeing another superhero movie about the same old shyt with the same old plot twists as the 2 other prequels :comeon:"

"I see enough bad bytches on the way to work in real life, sometimes I even holla at them. Why do I need instagram again?"

etc etc. And then they continuously tell you the same things over and over again even if you have given them a legit reason why you cant take their advice. :laugh: SMH. People sometimes.

I'm dealing with the same thing breh. A family member moved into town and that's all our convos consist of. When you rebuttal, nikkas be on "Oh, you already got it figured out huh? ":comeon:


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
I'm dealing with the same thing breh. A family member moved into town and that's all our convos consist of. When you rebuttal, nikkas be on "Oh, you already got it figured out huh? ":comeon:

You know? If you gonna give advice at least make it constructive

The other day I go to my brothers washroom and he asking me if I'm going out that night. I say, "nah, go out to where :yeshrug:" cause i aint trying to waste no time at a club or something. He starts talkin about, "Man if you dont do anything this summer..." Another day months back it was, "I have a feeling youre gonna be an exec and one day just go crazy at work saying, 'fukk this shyt!' and quit on a tirade." This coming from a brother; I'm like :what:. I'm convinced my dad and nikka from elementary school is the only dudes that really get me. nikkas will tell you to do X or Y, but wont even have suggestions on how to do it. This is the same dude who I went out with 3 times this year only for the night to be terrible :laugh:.

I had to tell that nikka to STFU and mind his own business.

When I graduate with that $60K offer and a 10K signing bonus I'll celebrate with a vacation for instance. Not everybody thinks that way and thats fine but shyt let me handle me. I know what I'm doing. :youngsabo:

Sly Cookin

May 20, 2012
You know? If you gonna give advice at least make it constructive

The other day I go to my brothers washroom and he asking me if I'm going out that night. I say, "nah, go out to where :yeshrug:" cause i aint trying to waste no time at a club or something. He starts talkin about, "Man if you dont do anything this summer..." Another day months back it was, "I have a feeling youre gonna be an exec and one day just go crazy at work saying, 'fukk this shyt!' and quit on a tirade." This coming from a brother; I'm like :what:. I'm convinced my dad and nikka from elementary school is the only dudes that really get me. nikkas will tell you to do X or Y, but wont even have suggestions on how to do it. This is the same dude who I went out with 3 times this year only for the night to be terrible :laugh:.

I had to tell that nikka to STFU and mind his own business.

When I graduate with that $60K offer and a 10K signing bonus I'll celebrate with a vacation for instance. Not everybody thinks that way and thats fine but shyt let me handle me. I know what I'm doing. :youngsabo:


One cat was like "bro its the summer you should stack up get another job":beli:

This guy has no job and lives with his mom:patrice: