nikka fukk outta here because look how you came into this thread. You came in talking shyt saying we’re looking for a pat on the head for cacs for validation. I don’t give a fukk what crack head ass Charleston White had to say or any another BA or FBA. I responded to your 3rd world bullshyt ass comment. If that’s how you find common ground then we are good Foh. Handle your business and we’ll handle ours, just stay off our nuts. That’s the best way to find common ground with your type going forward.
I know why my initial comment seems to have stuck a sensitive nerve..and as it should, because you appeared ready and resigned to accepting and defending whatever classification or rule the almighty White man decides to prescribe and that's what I hate and will attack..
Whether the White man does it in America, Uganda or Jamaica I am opposed to it as I draw no distinction between Black me an injury to one is an injury to all, but then again perhaps our outlook on that differs drastically.
Now, you may be struggling with the realization that what you have accepted from the White man, Black people elsewhere have said fukk No and know, you don't always have to go along with them just because they have numbers and control the economy.
You tried to claim Africa is full of European given names and I said nah, not even..we are not all resigned to consuming what the White man puts on a plate and presents us..
I only mentioned that junkie Charleston to highlight the difference in opinions amongst Black people, and how I won't let an idiot like him Tariq and Trick Daddy to offend me because theyre wrong and I know better.. I also mentioned equally negative remarks from Nigerians and made clear a few idiots don't represent us all.
Ultimately we are arguing over what people are willing to accept from the Whites..Zimbabwe kicked the British out and they along with America imposed crippling sanctions. We still won't ever take them back.
Namibia wants to expel the Germans.
The Sahel is kicking out the French, and we'll never take them back.
Now, as for the US, what's the plan for dealing with the Whites there