King Céphas Bansah helps govern more than 2 million Ghanaian and Togolese people via Skype from Germany, where he plies his trade full time in his oily overalls, Caters News reported.
The 67-year-old mechanic monarch –- known as King Togbe Ngoryifia Cephas Kosi Bansah — also is recognized as a “superior and spiritual chief of Ewe people” in the West African country of Togo, adjacent to Ghana.
After finishing his studies and becoming a German citizen, he set up his own garage in Ludwigshafen and got his hands nice and dirty until 1987, when he received a life-altering fax.
His grandfather, the King of Hohoe, had died and Bansah’s father and eldest brother were deemed unfit to govern because they were left-handed – something the Ewe people considered to be “unclean.”
And that’s how he ascended to the throne
He still lives in Ludwigshafen with his wife, Gabriele, and two children, Carlo and Katharina – visiting Ghana up to eight times a year and leading his people from afar.
German photographer Christina Czybik, who spent the day with the king at his home, said: “He invited me to join his delegation to travel to Ghana this September. I’ve actually booked my flights.”
Ghana has a democratic government, but traditional kings still play important roles in their communities.