papoose a fair one appreication

the rhyme king
May 1, 2012
i refuse to conform
[ame=""]Papoose (A Fair One) Fat Joe Diss - YouTube[/ame]

nikka was rhyming whole sentences while slaughtering fat joe


I come from the china
May 26, 2012
ya murder!!!!!!

This one also great, he murdered Uncle Murder
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May 4, 2012

"I had only met papoose a little while earlier, he was in front of the hotel when I first got there and we exchaned numbers. I asked him did he smoke and he said "sometimes". I reached out to him and a half hour later and told him that if he wanted to get his mind right before the show he could come through. a few minutes later his man knocked on the door. Pap had about six or seven dudes with him. we was choppin it up for a minute then Joe and his people came in. I didn't know what they was beefin about, I wasn't in NYC the day before to know that this all started from radio. I wasn't gon stand there and try to be no referee about something I don't know about. As far as it being my room, it wasn't like it was a room in my house, it was a hotel room and that's anybodys room so I left. Later, after it was over I saw Papoose in the hallway and Joe talkin for about 40 minutes and it wasn't like Papoose was tryin to cop no pleas, he was more or less just tryin to get his watch back."

Gucci Mane;

"We all was stayin at the same hotel and before I could even get to the hotel one of my best friends, Yo Gotti called me and says "Yo they just Goddamn beat the sh*t outta Papoose down here and they was talkin sh*t while they was doin it and he just sittin there listenin." Yo Gotti said they swarmed on him like Spanish Bees they just swooped down on him."

Papoose Security;

An armed security guard known simply as "Lou" was assigned to protect Papoose by the event promoter. Mike B Lou states that he was also in the room during the fight and explained the following to HHW;

"Fat Joe walked in the room and said to Pap "Yo we got a problem." Pap said "whatever." Fat Joe was in the living room area and some Terror Squad dudes was by the room door. There was like five of them (not including Fat Joe) and Pap was in the Kitchenette area. Joe starts heading for him (Pap) but I step in like "Yo I know yall got a problem but it can't be with him (Pap). My partner says he saw one of Joes people with a gun on them and someone screamed out "Gun!". I put my hand on my gun but we diffused that. Then one of Paps peoples got brave and pulled out a .45, someone from JOes camp took Paps associates piece from him and beat the sh*t outta him with it. Then everyone bumrushed Pap and I don't know how he got out of there (room) but he (Pap) did. Imma tell you like this, there was blows being thrown in front and behind me. I was trying to break it up. Pap and his man were behind me so I didn't see who was swinging. I couldn't tell you who was throwing the blows but they was definitely throwin em."

DJ Kay Slay
"I wasn't there but I do know there was an altercation and Papoose is very nice with his hands and he handles his business. I'm sure Joe got his sh*t off as well. The only thing I wasn't comfertable with was knowing that Joe has nine guys and it took nine guys for him to approach Papoose. Any problem he had with Pap he could've picked up the phone and hollared at me. We did have a tight relationship at one time. Slay also revealed that if Joe wants to hear any more of his music on his popularDrama Hour radio show "This situation has to get fixed first."

Yo Gotti;

"I didn't actually see the fight cause I was on a different floor but I can tell you this, Joe didn't have a scratch on him when I seen him after the situation. I saw Joe and his goons and a couple of n*ggaz had their hands wrapped with towels like it was a bandaid. I seen blood on the wall and I seen a couple of n*ggaz that was bleedin. I don't know who they was but they wasn't wit Joe. But dude (Joe) most definitely wasn't swollen up or scratched up or none of that sh*t when I seen him."