basically thisYou Will Lose Weight Really Fast If You're Disciplined Enough To Stick With It
When I First Decided To Lose Weight I Tried The Paleo shyt And I Lost 25lbs In A fukking Month Crazy shyt
Now Mind You, That 1st Month Was Like The Introductory Phase And All I Was Eating Thru The Day Was fukking Fruit And Nuts Then A Nice Regular Dinner In The Evening, Usually Baked Chicken And Brown Rice. I Also Drank A shyt Ton Of Water Every Day And Went On Hour Long Walks.
If Anything I Look Back On It Like It Was Just A Cleansing That Gave Me A Jumpstart To Weight Loss, But I Couldn't See Myself Maintaining That Paelo shyt And Keeping My Sanity
After That Month Of Eating Paleo I Started Eating Regular, Just Healthier, And Following Basic Calories In-Calories Out Way Of Eating.
Thankfully I Didn't Gain Any Weight Back
I am doing the paleo diet now. I did research and the principles behind the diet are sound in my opinion.
The only non-Paleo item I'm currently including in my diet is milk and that's only because I can't stand Protein shakes that aren't at least half milk..
personally not a fan. its too restrictive, even on where you get protein from (no dairy, nuts, legumes). and it makes it seem like carbs are bad for you
also i think eating 'clean' all the time is overrated
its all about tracking calories/protein. you can eat ice cream everyday and get ripped, if it fits your macros. i'd much rather do that, then frivolously cut out foods & be miserable
rawdsEliminating carbs from my diets makes me weak. How you guys lift without carbs in your system?
You need to educate yourself because you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about...
If you want to develop an understanding of why it absolutely matters what you eat, I suggest you read up on insulin resistance....