Jimmy Two-Times™
Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™

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Owen HartI see these guys, they throw a guy into the ropes and they do a back flip and then clothesline the guy and it looks stupid. Why don't you just clothesline the guy?
The full quoteOwen Hart
he'd hate wrestling today thenThe full quote
“You know, I watch the luchadors, they work on our show and over at Turner, and they do a lot of high-flying, entertaining things, but it looks so choreographed, just hit'em! Don't do a back flip before!. It doesn't have a lot of impact to it when I watch it. It doesn't look believable to me. And that's part of doing it. If you can do the acrobatic stuff, throw in a back flip or something that looks good but it's got to be at the right time, you know. I see these guys, they throw a guy into the ropes and they do a back flip and then clothesline the guy and it looks stupid. Why don't you just clothesline the guy? A back flip or a cartwheel or whatever, should be done out of a defensive position not an offensive move. Someone throws you in the corner, and you jump up and flip and you counter something. If you're going to throw a guy in and clothesline him anyway, what do you need to do a fancy cartwheel for before you hit him? It just looks silly.”
said like a true high flyer.The full quote
“You know, I watch the luchadors, they work on our show and over at Turner, and they do a lot of high-flying, entertaining things, but it looks so choreographed, just hit'em! Don't do a back flip before!. It doesn't have a lot of impact to it when I watch it. It doesn't look believable to me. And that's part of doing it. If you can do the acrobatic stuff, throw in a back flip or something that looks good but it's got to be at the right time, you know. I see these guys, they throw a guy into the ropes and they do a back flip and then clothesline the guy and it looks stupid. Why don't you just clothesline the guy? A back flip or a cartwheel or whatever, should be done out of a defensive position not an offensive move. Someone throws you in the corner, and you jump up and flip and you counter something. If you're going to throw a guy in and clothesline him anyway, what do you need to do a fancy cartwheel for before you hit him? It just looks silly.”
“Vanilla nuggets”he'd hate wrestling today then