“Operation Afro-Dilution”: Michigan’s Plan to Flood Detroit with Upscale Immigrants

Jun 24, 2012
Detriot heads....respond to this....

Operation Afro-Dilution”: Michigan’s Plan to Flood Detroit with Upscale Immigrants

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford
Corporate ethnic manipulators like Snyder want to indoctrinate a new crop of immigrants to the inherent inferiority of Black Americans, whose cities must be saved by culturally superior foreigners.”

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is a crude and vicious racist who verbalizes what most white people believe, but won’t say in mixed company: What’s wrong with Detroit, is an excess of Black people. Snyder proposes to bring 50,000 immigrants to Detroit over five years on special EB-2 visas, on the theory that the newcomers’ entrepreneurial zeal will have transformative effects on the city. Starting with an initial 5,000 immigrants, “Snyder’s List” would expand to 15,000 in the final year, with Detroit accounting for more than a third of the nation’s total EB-2 authorization. Call it “Operation Afro-Dilution.”

Gov. Snyder is a Republican, a political breed known to recoil at the prospect of the USA overrun by foreigners of the darker kind. However, Snyder’s specially summoned migrants would be flooding into territory inhabited mainly by an even more despised demographic: African Americans, who make up 82 percent of Detroit’s 700,000 people. The current Black concentration is far too thick to attract sufficient white families to effect a profound racial transformation in the near term. Consider this: If a rise in a town’s Black population to 20 or 25 percent is enough to push many whites past the “tipping point” into flight, how low do African American numbers have to get before a city definitively “tips” the other way.

An infusion of global migrants would enable Detroit’s corporate masters to market the metropolis as a “cosmopolitan” urban cocktail, as opposed to the nation’s largest “Chocolate City.” In the language of White-Speak, that’s definitely an upgrade, a boost in marketable assets, all around – which is what late-stage, finance-dominated capitalism is all about.

The current Black concentration is far too thick to attract sufficient white families to effect a profound racial transformation in the near term.”

But, Gov. Synder is going to have to compete for his share of immigrant “pioneers” (as white American settlers in ghetto locales once described themselves). Other too-Black Midwestern cities, including Chicago, St. Louis and Dayton, Ohio, have the same idea, attaching a premium to immigrants of a certain type (educated, relatively affluent).

Back in the post-Civil War era of breakneck U.S. industrialization, European immigrants didn’t even have to speak English to rate a sign-on bonus, free transportation across the Atlantic and company-built housing near their new jobs in American cities. For others, there was free land, confiscated from newly dead Indians. English-speaking African Americans, many of whom had been artisans and industrial workers under slavery, were turned away from factory and homestead. Black folks’ assigned “place” was at the bottom of the racial hierarchy, wherever that happened to be at the time. Nothing has changed, in that regard – except that modern white society determinedly denies that segregation is its favored way of life. Where that not true, of course, Detroit would not be 82 percent Black.

Black folks know full well that Snyder’s immigration scheme is designed to dilute Black numbers and, eventually, make Detroit a more attractive place for native white habitation. But, in mixed company, politically conscious Blacks are careful not to appear jingoistic, like the other Ugly Americans. Rev. Charles Williams II of the National Action Network told the New York Times that “he believed Detroit, as well as other Midwestern states, should be pro-immigration. ‘However,’ he said, ‘I will say, on the other end of this, I think it’s a little ambitious for Governor Snyder to put together a plan to induce more population when still we have to work on double-digit unemployment and high poverty that’s already in our city right now.” That’s putting it mildly. Thirty-eight percent of Detroiters live below the poverty line, the vast majority of them Black.

Other too-Black Midwestern cities, including Chicago, St. Louis and Dayton, Ohio, have the same idea.”

Changing U.S. population patterns dictate that Blacks strive for solidarity – or, at least, healthy political relations – with immigrant groups, especially Latinos. African Americans must resist being goaded into ethnic confrontations that profit only powerful corporations. However, Snyder and his ilk are attempting to use EB-2 immigrants – the bulk of whom are relatively privileged people from India, China, Mexico and the Philippines – as demographic weapons to break up African American population concentrations. In the process, they are implicitly defaming Blacks as the negative side of the human ledger – The Problem – and non-Blacks as The Solution. This is an assault that must be answered with full throated roar.

Snyder isn’t just preaching to white Americans, who are fully conversant in racially coded language; he is propagandizing the targeted immigrant populations, as well, telling them they are a better class of people than the current residents of Detroit. Snyder and his cohorts are essentially assigning the newcomers a racial mission: to bring their supposedly “superior” cultural attributes to uplift (and ultimately replace) an “inferior” Black social environment.

Now that western Europeans no longer view the U.S. as a Promised Land, the American mythologists must tailor the Founding Lies to a darker audience. Gov. Snyder updates the old Ellis Island story to fit the current influx from the global East and South. “Isn’t that how we made our country great, through immigrants?” said Mr. Snyder, hawking his plan for Detroit. No, that’s not how it happened. The United States was made rich by Black slaves, whose pre-Civil War value exceeded all other national “assets” except the land, itself – which was, of course, stolen from the Native Americans. The descendants of European immigrants, from the Mayflower to the 20th century’s vaunted Melting Pot, somehow imagine they are God’s gift to the continent – to the planet! – but their most important contributions to the enrichment of the New World were smallpox-infected blankets and chains.

Snyder and his ilk are attempting to use EB-2 immigrants as demographic weapons to break up African American population concentrations.”

Corporate ethnic manipulators like Snyder want to indoctrinate a new crop of immigrants to the inherent inferiority of Black Americans, whose cities must be saved by culturally superior foreigners. This is how U.S. rulers prepare for the year 2043, when the U.S. is projected to become a majority-minority country – by inculcating the newcomers with the same racist worldview as the previous white overlords.

Gov. Snyder bragged that he could achieve ethnic cleansing on the cheap. "Here's a non-cash way to significantly accelerate the comeback of Detroit” – meaning, he has no intention of spending any money on the existing Detroit population. However, the week before, Snyder announced that he was asking the state legislature to provide $350 million to shore up the city’s retiree pension plan and save the art collection. Snyder and Republican lawmakers have long waged a starvation campaign against Detroit, depriving the city of revenue sharing and other funds in order to accelerate its fiscal collapse. Now that the local electorate has been disenfranchised (as has a majority of the state’s Black population), and total corporate dominion appears imminent, Snyder turns the money faucet back on. Should corporate plans sour (see Tom Stephens, “Judge Rhodes to Detroit: Don't Pay the Banksters,” in this issue of BAR), then the screws will be tightened.

If, by dint of sheer human will, or just the fact of not having anywhere to else go, Black folks can maintain a super-majority in Detroit, that will be a great victory. When someone is trying to kill you, to live is to triumph.


May 4, 2012
Another white supremacy plot. Been said for decades now whites would start pitting educated foreign *minorities* against black people in America and basically bury us so after we become completely disenfranchised and begin to lash out in ignorance, they have an excuse to crush our numbers to a more manageable number. They'll never wipe us out because white people love their pets. Just have to do black people like they do their overpopulation of cats and dogs.

*hey i have jobs for you over here in America in these black neighborhoods. We'll let you set up businesses and everything*

Once they come over, they let them set up shop, raise the property value, then whites start moving back into the city as black people can no longer afford to live there, or pay them to move or kill them, or imprison them. After that the Indians and Asians can be an ethnic minority living among a white majority along with affluent black people and theyll be happy about that, being close to the white man who gave them such a great opportunity to better themselves and can look at black people as a scourge who missed out on a great opportunity to revitilize the city.

The reality is white males dont want black people affluent or poor living around them. Especially not a majority so at the cost of a small handful of other non-whites they cant stand they'll use them to revitilize the city so they can move back in for cheap. Is it to late to buy those shytty houses in Detroit?
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Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
this greatly disturbs me. its even more disturbing that the vast majority of blacks are so disillusioned. If we aren't careful we will collectively be a permanent underclass. Brothers seriously need to turn the music down (speaking figuratively here),roll up those sleeves and work out a political and economic agenda.
Jun 8, 2012
Another white supremacy plot. Been said for decades now whites would start pitting educated foreign *minorities* against black people in America and basically bury us so after we become completely disenfranchised and begin to lash out in ignorance, they have an excuse to crush our numbers to a more manageable number. They'll never wipe us out because white people love their pets. Just have to do black people like they do their overpopulation of cats and dogs.

*hey i have jobs for you over here in America in these black neighborhoods. We'll let you set up businesses and everything*

Once they come over, they let them set up shop, raise the property value, then whites start moving back into the city as black people can no longer afford to live there, or pay them to move or kill them, or imprison them. After that the Indians and Asians can be an ethnic minority living among a white majority along with affluent black people and theyll be happy about that, being close to the white man who gave them such a great opportunity to better themselves and can look at black people as a scourge who missed out on a great opportunity to revitilize the city.

The reality is white males dont want black people affluent or poor living around them. Especially not a majority so at the cost of a small handful of other non-whites they cant stand they'll use them to revitilize the city so they can move back in for cheap. Is it to late to buy those shytty houses in Detroit?
this greatly disturbs me. its even more disturbing that the vast majority of blacks are so disillusioned. If we aren't careful we will collectively be a permanent underclass. Brothers seriously need to turn the music down (speaking figuratively here),roll up those sleeves and work out a political and economic agenda.

They don't hear you though....

I've been peeping game...about how America be trying to make black people wage slaves working fast food and as a permanent underclass/prison population....


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
MI native here. Ummm, this article is probably five years too late. The operation was well underhand when them "nikkas" in the city council and Kwame fukked the city over and lost/stole all that money. (fukk Kim Worthy by the way) Dan Gilbert has been buying up damn near the entire East Side while other parts have been bought by China. I don't want to hear shyt about some "afo-dilution" when those same sorry nikkas in Detroit let some white guy win the vote as a WRITE IN!! Give me a fukking break. They lost their voice when they time after time refused to show up and vote, so now the state is going to bring in another immigrant group to the Detroit area. And they are going to phase these nikkas out to Southfield or somethin. But this is their fault and they know it! I used to ride for the cause in Detroit for a LONG time and if people knew what fukking idiots they have or had working in local government you would understand why this happened. Jesus Christ the head of the Education Department couldn't read or write! Yeah they called him out on it.

What you guys are failing to see, is that Elysium life is real. They don't want these uneducated and poor people around. So they will be moved and there isn't shyt they can do about it. Once the corporations in the area get finished Detroit is going to look like Disney World. The worst part about this is that Detroit was and still is a BLACK city. First major black city I had ever been to in my life, but the mismanagement of money and just plain nikka shyt, fukked it up. So yes, Snyder is going to make Detroit look more like Dearborn. Get used to it.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
the word usage in this article is kinda strange, but ive been tryna break down how "immigration reform" is really a disgusting alliance of liberals and democrats who want votes and corporate republicans who want cheap labor, this story is just half the story, its not just upscale immigrants, the other half of the story is the cheap labor they are trying to bring in


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
They don't hear you though....

I've been peeping game...about how America be trying to make black people wage slaves working fast food and as a permanent underclass/prison population....

under "immigration reform" fast food jobs are jobs americans wont do, that is why they are bringing in cheap labor, so you can forget about low wage fast food jobs after "immigration reform"


May 4, 2012
They don't hear you though....

I've been peeping game...about how America be trying to make black people wage slaves working fast food and as a permanent underclass/prison population....
They're willing to let a small group of other minorities like asians, and indians and latinos be the overlords of black people, while they keep their successful white majority. Its a small price to pay for white supremacy. Prison quotas arent being met so disenfranchising black people helps business by making uneducated black people last for jobs, even jobs that require little education. This will send black people towards crime which sends black people to the grave, or to prison while we dig our way out of educational slumps and then attempt to pass the new immigrant minority that are at the top of the glass ceiling. By the time the immigrants realize the game is rigged white supremacists will be onto the next scheme.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Another white supremacy plot. Been said for decades now whites would start pitting educated foreign *minorities* against black people in America and basically bury us so after we become completely disenfranchised and begin to lash out in ignorance, they have an excuse to crush our numbers to a more manageable number. They'll never wipe us out because white people love their pets. Just have to do black people like they do their overpopulation of cats and dogs.

*hey i have jobs for you over here in America in these black neighborhoods. We'll let you set up businesses and everything*

Once they come over, they let them set up shop, raise the property value, then whites start moving back into the city as black people can no longer afford to live there, or pay them to move or kill them, or imprison them. After that the Indians and Asians can be an ethnic minority living among a white majority along with affluent black people and theyll be happy about that, being close to the white man who gave them such a great opportunity to better themselves and can look at black people as a scourge who missed out on a great opportunity to revitilize the city.

The reality is white males dont want black people affluent or poor living around them. Especially not a majority so at the cost of a small handful of other non-whites they cant stand they'll use them to revitilize the city so they can move back in for cheap. Is it to late to buy those shytty houses in Detroit?

i dont actually agree with this, fundamentally its black people's fault, blaming white people or racism is a dead end