just in case some of color or a white person tries to tell you that white people were not serious about indoctrinating everyone into looking down upon people of color. you got the indoctrination from a childhood age. and it still continues to this very day ALL
they hide it under the "its just educational"
So when black folk say, "the man has setup a SYSTEM of WHITE supremacy" and people call those black folks crazy/conspiracy theorist. they are either apart of the system or are clueless. heres more then enough proof of how to indoctrinate young minds with music.
just in case some of color or a white person tries to tell you that white people were not serious about indoctrinating everyone into looking down upon people of color. you got the indoctrination from a childhood age. and it still continues to this very day ALL
they hide it under the "its just educational"
So when black folk say, "the man has setup a SYSTEM of WHITE supremacy" and people call those black folks crazy/conspiracy theorist. they are either apart of the system or are clueless. heres more then enough proof of how to indoctrinate young minds with music.