Ok which one of you coli rascals is trollin' this cheating forum?


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
wife's cheating

I am looking for advice, and any would be appreciated. i will try to keep this as brief as possible. i will try to keep this as brief as possible. i recently discover my wife is cheating on me. i have not informed her that i know, yet. i came home from work one day, she was not home, but i went upstairs to change. right in the middle of the bed was 4 unused magnum xl condoms. i was very upset, very confused and wasn't sure what to do. i took a picture and then hid them. i searched the trash cans and everything for used condoms, but didnt find any. regardless, we do not use condoms, so they had to come from somewhere. i ran through all the things i was going to say to her when she got home.. i didnt say anything. i didnt want her to somehow try to explain away the condoms, i wanted to verify first. anyway, i spent the next couple days upset, hurt and all those other emotions. not only was she cheating, but obviously it was with someone who was much, much bigger than me. so, among all the other feelings of hurt and everything i also feel inadequate.

ok, trying to keep short even though there are a ton more details. anyway, i am a computer guy by trade so i figured i would setup camera in the bedroom and then just see what happens. i did that and lets just say that i have proof, and while for whatever reason i assumed it would just be like one guy she was having an affair with. but it seems that one her lunch breaks she comes home and she has what i can tell is at least a couple different black guys that she has sex with. not at the same time.. anyway. now that i have the proof.. its been a few weeks now, i still haven't said anything. i dont exactly know what to do. i mean, i am devastated, i dont want to leave her, but i feel like i am inadequate and cannot satisfy her, which is why she is doing this. so, if i say something she will either leave or tell me she is going to quit, but she won't because she will still need that satisfaction.. please, any help is appreciated..

Oct 3, 2012
Husband has been sleeping with his best friend, need advice

I'm here because I have proof my husband has been cheating on me and I need advice.
It's simple actually. We were sitting on the couch last week watching movie previews with my sister's kids so we could decide what to rent. Husband just upgraded his iphone to the iphone 5 so I was playing around with it on the internet. For some odd reason, he just took the phone out of my hands. He didn't say anything but just grabbed it. I didn't say anything either but it seemed kind of strange. I never go through his phone because I thought he didn't have anything to hide.

When he went to sleep, I went through his phone. He keeps a code on it which I know is my birthday. I didn't find anything suspicious on it until I made it to the pictures. That's when my heart fell to the ground.

There are tons and I mean tons of pictures of my husband giving oral sex to his best friend which is also a male. Even more disturbing is the fact that the majority of the pictures show my husband's face covered in semen. I just totally lost it and started crying. To make matters worst, there is a video of him giving his friend a blow job in the parking lot. They basically do it in between some cars in what looks like my husbands job and it ends with my husband down on his knees covered in semen.

As you can guess, this has turned my world upside down. I haven't told him what I found but I left to come stay with my mother. This same best friend of his used to hit on me and tried to get me to cheat with him. I never told my husband because I didn't want to ruin their relationship but I also never gave in to his advances. What kind of behavior is this and what should I do? We have been married for 3 years and planned to have a child next year when I finish school.


Illuminatos' Hairline

Where's my sharpie?!
May 28, 2012
Husband has been sleeping with his best friend, need advice

I'm here because I have proof my husband has been cheating on me and I need advice.
It's simple actually. We were sitting on the couch last week watching movie previews with my sister's kids so we could decide what to rent. Husband just upgraded his iphone to the iphone 5 so I was playing around with it on the internet. For some odd reason, he just took the phone out of my hands. He didn't say anything but just grabbed it. I didn't say anything either but it seemed kind of strange. I never go through his phone because I thought he didn't have anything to hide.

When he went to sleep, I went through his phone. He keeps a code on it which I know is my birthday. I didn't find anything suspicious on it until I made it to the pictures. That's when my heart fell to the ground.

There are tons and I mean tons of pictures of my husband giving oral sex to his best friend which is also a male. Even more disturbing is the fact that the majority of the pictures show my husband's face covered in semen. I just totally lost it and started crying. To make matters worst, there is a video of him giving his friend a blow job in the parking lot. They basically do it in between some cars in what looks like my husbands job and it ends with my husband down on his knees covered in semen.

As you can guess, this has turned my world upside down. I haven't told him what I found but I left to come stay with my mother. This same best friend of his used to hit on me and tried to get me to cheat with him. I never told my husband because I didn't want to ruin their relationship but I also never gave in to his advances. What kind of behavior is this and what should I do? We have been married for 3 years and planned to have a child next year when I finish school.



Emperor Sol

Knowledge and Wisdom
May 6, 2012
Did you guys see this comment...?

