Doing her dirty lol. Obviously more sex appeal and shyt would help, but that ain’t even gonna sustain interest. If that was the case then the lingerie football league would be huge. I just feel like at the end of the day, who is really gonna watch this shyt on a regular basis and support the league. Hype can only help so much. The product has to be great to watch and I just don’t think it is, and don’t think ol girl about to change that.
It’s not even the skill. These woman got great skillsets. It’s the athleticism. Nothing they doing really look amazing from an athleticism stand point
There have been better players than Clark, but none of them have received this type of hype. That’s one reason why this season is different. Also, she’s not the only rookie people have interest in. People downplay it, but Angel Reese has a huge following. A bunch of sistas who said they didn’t start watching women’s basketball until Angel came along.The woman’s college game has been better than the men’s the last so many years. I just don’t think that translates into the WNBA. The product just not fun to watch at the end of the day. Not enough for sustained interest. You have had player as good as Caitlin Clark come in the league before and they ain’t change shyt. I believe it will gain in popularity but like a slight boost up, not some big leap. I don’t see anything different this time except for media more media hype. The product gonna have to sustain it. I feel like Brittney Griner was a more wow this may get people looking at the league type prospect and if that ain’t do it then I don’t think this woman is. You’ve had white players just as talented as well.
I don’t expect it to compete with men’s sports in terms of popularity but I think women support other sports more
I don't watch woman ball, but that sounds like she is heading the route of Duke whitebois and the NBA: Laetner, Reddikk, Hurley...No. High volume/low efficiency shooter propped up by a system at the college level. Everyone who pointed out her game wouldn't translate to the professionals was called a hater.
The woman’s college game has been better than the men’s the last so many years. I just don’t think that translates into the WNBA. The product just not fun to watch at the end of the day. Not enough for sustained interest. You have had player as good as Caitlin Clark come in the league before and they ain’t change shyt. I believe it will gain in popularity but like a slight boost up, not some big leap. I don’t see anything different this time except for media more media hype. The product gonna have to sustain it. I feel like Brittney Griner was a more wow this may get people looking at the league type prospect and if that ain’t do it then I don’t think this woman is. You’ve had white players just as talented as well.
I don’t expect it to compete with men’s sports in terms of popularity but I think women support other sports more