They did; they vanquished the beast! And they did it on their home floor. I love it! Let's go Liberty! 
The jobs not finished though

The jobs not finished though
The Lynx scare meLynx can actually shoot the ball
aja could have stepped it up, but ultimately it was inevitable. the rest of that aces roster is kinda cooked now.
yeah, i think cooked could be too strong a word, but i cant see this same team ever doing better than this in the future. the trajectory is down.I wouldn't say cooked, but some decisions are gonna have to be made. I don't think Young/Plum/Gray will last the off-season though.
I think they should get rid of Gray, and get a legit center to put next to Aja.
You are not going to win being out reboundedI wouldn't say cooked, but some decisions are gonna have to be made. I don't think Young/Plum/Gray will last the off-season though.
I think they should get rid of Gray, and get a legit big/center to put next to Aja.
yeah, i think cooked could be too strong a word, but i cant see this same team ever doing better than this in the future. the trajectory is down.
You are not going to win being out rebounded
48-27. Like you stated, need a center and move A'ja to the 4.