They gotta get Betnijah thick ass back in shape 

Yea this is my last reply to your dumb assso if u think she can improve then what is the point of saying "that kinda talk is over" as if she's going to just get passed up and left behind by other girls coming in? maybe dont contradict yourself u emotional little fakkit
and im not even tryna shyt on juju because I am a huge fan but the biggest knock people have on angel is her fg% but then they hype up juju in the same breath and ignore that aspect.. granted they are 2 different players with different games and I believe they will both be stars and "in those talks" in the long run, because just like we expect juju to improve on that after her freshman season there is no reason to not think angel wont do the same after her rookie season
and suck my dikk u keyboard warrior getting emotional over a womens basketball disagreement![]()
resorting to name calling because I pointed out your contradictory and overreactive "assessment" on what a rookie's career trajectory will beNobody got emotional but you double digit IQ, dumb ass comparing a freshman guard to a power forward in the WNBA
Straight to the ignore list lol
You guys won without Jackie Young (rest).How are we losing to the nightmares
Yeah but JuJu got a hesi tween tween packagenikka acting like her career is over because shes experiencing rookie struggles
at least wait to see if the bytch improves in the next few seasons and reaches her potential before declaring that she's passed up and not going to be a star player.. and yall always mentioning juju like she dont be having similar shooting splits![]()