big streaming movie, which basically means it has a 3/5 ceiling. i'd give it a 2.5/5. way too boring for the first 20 minutes, too long, weird tonal shifts, weird castings, alien stuff got old pretty quickly. meh. cool premise. they did my boy Mitch dirty.
they had Sam Richardson, who i love, playing this goofy comedic sidekick, and Chris Pratt who is great with that type of material, basically just being the "i gotta save my daughter" role. wish they either toned Sam down, or leaned into it a bit more and just let Pratt be a bit of a doof too. either way it wouldn't have felt right tbh, but i just found some of the tonal stuff off.
this is was like Cloverfield meets Starship Troopers with a great elevator pitch premise... yet it wasn't nearly as good as any of that at the same time.