Anybody know where I can find any good deals online of a new Official Street Fighter IV FightStick Tournament Edition for Sony PS3?
I prefer the SFIV fight stick, I'm a big fan and have been looking for a good deal for one.
Why not just get a different version of the TE? They're all practically the same stick Mad Catz SoulCalibur V Arcade FightStick SOUL Edition for Playstation 3: PlayStation 3;: Video Games Mad Catz Street Fighter X Tekken - Arcade FightStick PRO - Cross for Playstation 3: PlayStation 3;: Video Games
I prefer the SFIV fight stick, I'm a big fan and have been looking for a good deal for one.
I have a question...
For those SFxTekken sticks that were posted. I see there are 4 options to choose from.
2 for PS3
2 for 360
A Cross version, and a Line version for each console.
What does that mean? They're all the same price I believe.