Official Hezbollah/Iran-Israel Regional War Thread


Nov 19, 2016

Maybe like Stalin and Mao's five year plans mass death events are an innocent byproduct

the bodybags that were filled along the way will create the peaceful multipolar utopian future or something
The irony is some folks clamoring for peace are also upset Arab countries are prioritizing themselves over joining in the war.

Creflo ½ Dollar

Aug 6, 2015
A few things here. First, I must disagree with your framing of the conflict. Nasrallah/Hezbollah didn't "insert themselves" into a fight with Israel. Israel invaded and occupied Lebanon in 1978 and 1982 and Hezbollah was formed as the response to these illegal and brutal occupation by Israel. Israel literally inserted itself into Lebanon. Hezbollah's actions in support of Palestinians in the wake of October 7th must be seen in the context of their decades-long struggle against Israel.

Second, this argument that Israel is under constant rocket attack is misleading. Over 80% of all rocket attacks since October 7th between Israel and Lebanon have come from Israel.


They are the clear aggressors and have been attempting to provoke a broader regional war. And they enjoy technological and weaponry supremacy, which is why they never use qualitative metrics to discuss these attacks they're facing, they just say "hundreds of rockets". They do the exact same routine when they try to argue the Palestinians provoked them into committing war crimes and say "Look, we're facing hundreds of rocket attacks every day! What do you want us to do! No nation would accept this!" without mentioning the vast majority of these "rockets" are piddling bottle rockets that either get immediately neutralized by the Iron Dome or do no damage. Israelis are not living amongst constant rocket explosions or death. They're chilling on the beach in Haifa listening to the shyttiest techno music imaginable while exporting the violence and bloodshed their society is built upon to their Arab neighbours.

But I reckon you're right that Israel has had Nasrallah's location identified multiple times in the past and didn't kill him, perhaps for a multitude of reasons, including civilian collateral. But for some reason, this past week that calculus changed. To say he "just wore out his welcome" isn't any sort of legitimate justification. You don't get to just get tired of applying the guardrails of morality and international law.

Finally, I disagree with your assertion that putting a military building in a civilian area (I wonder where the IDF HQ is :jbhmm:) is a worse crime than destroying that building regardless of the civilian casualties. The whole reason using human shields or hostages is a crime is because it eliminates the ability for your opponent to clearly engage with you militarily. If the cops are chasing someone and they run into a school and take a class of 4th graders hostage, the cops can't just light up the classroom. The IDF are the only modern military force who seem to have failed that basic test of humane principles. Because they're orientalist, racist Jewish supremacists who don't believe Arabs deserve human rights.

Straight propaganda :mjlol:

It’s a false equivalency to say that a few Israel Soldiers using PALESTINIAN (not their own people mind you) people as human shields as the same as the widespread practice of “human shields” when you purposely place military equipment and bases into the civilian population to deter an enemy due to civilian collateral damage concerns….You just argueing in bad faith.

There u go again argueing in bad faith again southern Lebanon was a hotbed for Palestinian terrorism and they regularly used the southern Lebanon to attack Israel. So of course Israel was going to invade..u make it sound like Israel just woke up and be like hmmm let me invade Lebanon…Israel never had any intent on taking over Lebanon was purely militarily..terrorist fan boys like yourself never let terrorists take responsibility for their actions…

Hezbollah once again jumping the gun and shooting rockets at Israel need to be taken in context to the larger war:mjlol: literally cause and effect, if Hezbollah didn’t attack Israel in October their whole command structure would still be alive..they literally didn’t have to.

I think everybody here knows who wanted the larger war based on October 7th..

Blaming Israel for having the Iron Dome :mjlol:

Speaking about morality and international law when it comes to terrorists groups who hide inside the civilian population.

And now u finish it off by making a case for why human shields so effective:mjlol: but u put all the blame on Israel instead of the people hiding missiles in schools..

Probably the most bullshyt post I ever read..


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012

Israeli forces recently carried out the precision strike on the "Khatam al-Anbiya Headquarters," a Hezbollah command center, resulting in the death of Nasrallah and several other high-ranking officials. What's particularly intriguing is that this occurred despite Nasrallah's extreme security measures, which included constant relocation and restricted use of technology. This breach raises significant questions about potential moles within Hezbollah or the use of advanced technology by Israeli forces.

The operation involved three key Israeli intelligence units working in tandem: Unit 9900 for satellite and aerial imagery, Unit 8200 for signals intelligence and cyber warfare, and Unit 504 for human intelligence and spies. Their combined efforts managed to crack Hezbollah's seemingly impenetrable security apparatus. It's worth noting that this assassination didn't occur in isolation. It follows the killing of Commander Fouad Shukr on July 30, the sabotage of Hezbollah's communication devices in mid-September, and escalating tit-for-tat actions since Oct 8, 2023.

Also, the FT article mentions Syria. Hezbollah's operations were more exposed to surveillance plus their collaboration with the notoriously corrupt Syrian intelligence agencies was in plain sight to Israel. Hezbollah also coordinated with Russian intelligence which is also monitored by our intel services (CIA).


Rhyme Reason
May 11, 2012
got a call for three nines


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Can they afford to lose Lebanon permanently? What about Syria?

I wouldn't be surprised if the Arabs gave more than a passing thumbs up to Israel's current actions btw.

Yeah, Iran is geographically isolated. I'm sure the Iranians and Hezbollah thought they were safe in Masyaf. That Haniyeh was safe in Tehran... anyone else nearly forget about that already?

Frankly if(when) Iran loses a ground war to Afghanistan within the next 25 years I won't be surprised.

Iran might as well attack the US then their great satan. The sanctions are never going to be lifted by the US or Europe and the price of their oil is never going to increase. Roll the dice and hope they don't get blown back to a century before Christ. They don't have an air force and they don't have a navy. You're aware of that right?

There was a time when I felt like Iran was getting a raw deal but they're now rightly considered an international pariah who engages in genocide, ethnic cleansing, fuels conflicts with their weapons, and rapes and murders their own citizens.


Hope they enjoy their future of being a vassal state of China
Syria hasn’t done anything to openly aggravate the situation. Israel is calling its shot of some kind of ground invasion which is way different than pager explosions so Iran is probably waiting to see what they have vs taking away attention from the hate Netanyahu is bringing on himself and Israel with Iran taking very little heat so far from the international community.

Lebanon isn’t in great shape economically even without this conflict. So I doubt dislodging Iranian influence is as easy as Israel thinks.

Lobbing or detonating bombs isn’t going to win a war with Iran. Israel knows it will need ground forces( mostly US ones) and they ain’t got it.

Pakistan is more likely to destabilize the region than Afghanistan

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
It’s a false equivalency to say that a few Israel Soldiers using PALESTINIAN (not their own people mind you) people as human shields as the same as the widespread practice of “human shields” when you purposely place military equipment and bases into the civilian population to deter an enemy due to civilian collateral damage concerns….You just argueing in bad faith.
:dahell: are you under the impression that a human shield is supposed to be from your own side? Using an innocent that the other side values is the most common example of a human shield. Which is all the more reason why Israel's claim that Hamas is using human shields is so patently ridiculous. Israel doesn't view Palestinians as humans, so they just shoot/bomb/massacre through the alleged human shield. They've been doing this for decades, Hamas knows Israel has no problem murdering Palestinian children and innocents, so they obviously know using their own civilians as human shields wouldn't be effective at all, as we've all plainly seen over the past year to the tune of 50k+ dead Palestinians.

I'm not talking about a few isolated incidents of Israeli soldiers using Palestinians as human shields, I'm talking about a systematic, widespread practice in the IDF as outlined by Amnesty International, the UN, and just about every major human rights organization operating in the region. Go read the Goldstone report.

And you mention purposely placing military bases into civilian population areas...can you tell the rest of the class where the IDF headquarters are located? Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, so it's not like there is just abundant land to place Hamas military locations, what's Israel's excuse?

There u go again argueing in bad faith

southern Lebanon was a hotbed for Palestinian terrorism and they regularly used the southern Lebanon to attack Israel. So of course Israel was going to invade..u make it sound like Israel just woke up and be like hmmm let me invade Lebanon…Israel never had any intent on taking over Lebanon was purely militarily..
I'm aware of Israel's rationale for invading and occupying Southern Lebanon. You'll notice I wasn't making a judgment on the decision to invade, I was merely correcting the record on the order of operations and framing of Hezbollah inserting themselves into Israel's affairs. And to that point about correcting the record, your claim that Israel never had any intent of taking over Lebanese land is not accurate when Israel to this day still occupies the Shebaa Farms. One of the primary goals of their invasion of Lebanon was to decapitate the power base of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and install a pro-Israeli Maronite Phalangist government, so no this wasn't just a military excursion, there were political aims behind it. Zionism is an expansionist ideology. For many Zionists much of Lebanon is included in Greater Israel.

terrorist fan boys like yourself never let terrorists take responsibility for their actions…

It's been 20+ years since the inception of Bush-era War on Terror mania and you're still parroting braindead right-wing phraseology. Grow up.

Hezbollah once again jumping the gun and shooting rockets at Israel need to be taken in context to the larger war:mjlol: literally cause and effect, if Hezbollah didn’t attack Israel in October their whole command structure would still be alive..they literally didn’t have to.
See, this right here is the reason your posts and arguments are built on a house of cards and so easily dismantled. You have an allergic reaction to the application of context and instead opt for the cause and effect analysis of someone who cannot see beyond 1 proceeding or preceding event, rendering you effectively blind. Your notion that if Hezbollah didn't respond to Israel's illegal actions in October is as spurious as it is pointless. Hezbollah is a resistance organization. What are they going to do but resist?

I think everybody here knows who wanted the larger war based on October 7th..
Yeah I think absent the contingent of anti-Arab, Islamophobic, Zionist bootlicking posters, everyone in here has accepted the plainly obvious conclusion that Israel has been agitating for a larger regional war.

Blaming Israel for having the Iron Dome :mjlol:
Who did this? It's not blaming Israel to point out that the presence of the Iron Dome changes the tactical and moral consideration of the situation. It means they have to act in accordance with their advantage. This is a very basic, widely accepted principle in not just warfare but any conflict.

Speaking about morality and international law when it comes to terrorists groups who hide inside the civilian population.
dealing with"terrorists" is exactly when morality and international law are most needed. The idea that you can't just commit any savage act because of the nature of your enemy is morality 101. Morality and international law don't change depending on the enemy, they are immutable standards designed to make sure there isn't a race to the bottom of depravity. And again, even in your formulation you acknowledge there are civilians present, so what about their rights? Why are you free to forfeit the rights of the innocent?

And now u finish it off by making a case for why human shields so effective:mjlol: but u put all the blame on Israel instead of the people hiding missiles in schools..
Israel has been under no actual threat from these "missiles" hiding in schools. You're just a credulous mark who fell for Israel's racist gambit as they engage on a campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Sorry.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Israel has the right to selfdefense at the end of the day

Cuban Pete

Aka 305DeadCounty
May 2, 2012
1. Hezbollah is closer to an army. Hamas is closer to a guerrilla force. It's easier to target a big army. The operation is bigger, and it's easier to spot trends and movements. Hamas is much more embedded into the population.
2. Because of the kidnapped Israelies, Israel's attacks must be more delicate (relatively...). That's why they have ground forces going house to house.
3. HUMINT - there are far more people rooting for Iran/Hezbollah's demise from within, so it's easier to gather intelligence. Lebanon's population is more diverse with different ethnic groups.

Theres thousands of Syrians and Lebanese alike that are esctatic that Nasrallah got put in a ditch, Hezbollah killed thousands of people in the Syrian Civil War and their literally an arm of the Iranians.

People thinking its only Russia and China trying to expand their size, you really dont believe the Iranians (Persia) doesnt want to incorporate the Shiite areas of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq into a modern Shiite superpower that could throw its weight around in the region and beyond? Baghdad is a whole Persian city with Arabs living in it lol

If Israel wins, theyre gonna go for Greater Israel and if Iran wins, theyll restore Persia to its Achaemenid days. Either way Syria and Lebanon are BOTH on borrowed time. Way too many ethnic groups in both countries, at least in Iraq is was basically Shiite, Sunni, Kurds

Syria and Lebanon got Sunnis, Shiites, Alawi, Catholics, Orthodox, Druze, Assyrians, Turks, :mindblown:

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
whats funny is that Hezbollah, Gaza, ISIS etc will still “not get the point” and still try to take down Israel.
:dahell:Why would ISIS try to take down Israel when they're allies in the Syrian Civil War? Hezbollah has been on the front-lines fighting ISIS and American/Israeli backed ISIS-affliates for the past decade.