So does every JP pro stream regularly with other players? Every day, week, month? When i look at Daigo i only see him play ranked for 6-12 hours, maybe i missed it.
You asked who would care about a Chris G vs Flocka match? No one would and why should they? I only knew about the SonicFox fight because i heard about it through the streams i watched, the promotion was ass for the most part.
How do you know if players do not reach outside of the FGC to do content? Just because it does not happen does not mean it is not attempted. On Majin Obama's stream where he had a small event like that, Sajam (who was a commentator) mentioned he pitched to Twitch an event like CR Cup or AT&T's for SF6. They basically said they did not think it would work and declined.
Also with the grass roots thing, what do you mean? Are you talking about pros doing more offline non tournament events? We can not compare getting pros that live in Tokyo or in Japan overall together, vs the pros scattered around the U.S., Canada or the Caribbean.
At this point there is just a pervasive JP bias when it comes to the FGC.
Bruh you really gonna go hard into defense mode?

Pros being scattered is a lazy argument, Japan is fukkin huge, it’s 1 hour to Yokohama & 4 to Osaka by rail, all these NA dudes are either on the East or west coast you mean to tell me they can’t take $79 spirit flight to make content.
There’s multiple videos of of Daigo, Momochi, Tokido, etc discussing tech & theory in the same room. shyt Daigo is even out there live streaming in the mountains getting drunk. Fuudo is outchea seeding up the Buttmaster, and still competing. Nevermind the fact these dudes are training the next generation of JP players and have actually have relationships with other JP talent outside of the FGC. To sum up it these dudes are cultivating the scene to make these corporations take notice. The only top player that comes to mind in NA doing that is MenaRD and dude is hated over here
As for why should people care Chris G vs Flocka you just answered it, “Sajam tried to pitch it to Twitch”. This is the same shyt with Mike Ross’ dumbass with Capcom Talk, just going into a company saying, “Hey we should do this because it’s cool” isnt going to convince anyone. Because you know what twitch is gonna say, “Who’s your sponsors, Who are you connected with outside the FGC?, What are the logistics of an event this size?” If you don’t have a business case no company is saying yes to any of this, it was on Sajam to make them say yes.
Valle is on record saying he tried to do something but couldn’t get buy in from the community, same with Mike Watson & Spooky. Show me a player who’s linked up with Pokimane, Mr. Beast, MoistCritikal, none, but we got RobTV who chops it up with LTG. When Korone was done with the Pro-Am tournament she was still communicating with Nanai and Vice versa. Hololive has a EN branch why aren’t we doing that here, multiple EN girls stream Guilty Gear & SF6, so what’s the problem?
That’s what I mean by grassroots these dudes are not building the community, not building the next generation of pro players, and fans are not supporting the community.
NA is lazy when it comes to the growing the scene and would prefer to let sponsors do the work. It’s not bias it’s facts, It is what it is breh