Official FGC thread (Streams, Pop-offs, fukkery)


Oct 9, 2012
jus lost to next levels dafeetlee 30-0 on endless. :mjcry:

Homie even started whoopin my ass with my own character :mjcry:

It shoulda been 27-3 but even that looks terrible :to:

These tourney players are no joke brehs. Their footsies are ridiculous. the reactions and execution are unreal.

Plus that one time I went to next level. I played lazyone the juri player in casuals, I dont think I even took a round off him in 5 games.:mjcry:

My actual tourney matches I fared better and got good tips, but goddamn people dont play when it comes to this SF shyt. Meanwhile these guys arent even winning these tournaments, theres players on a whole nother level then they are:damn:
Damn breh

I could imagine u felt alot like these dudes playing the generation of miracles :mjcry: :damn:

But ya lazyone's juri is good I beat him sometimes sometimes he beats me..well when i went there havent been to nlbc in a while but ya

The levels to that shyt is :mindblown:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
interesting little interview with hamad from texas. wont link the site cuz it redirects you to app purchases if your on mobile

Raptor: Hey Hamad, thanks for talking with us on short notice. I guess the first thing I want to ask is, what motivated your tweet about potentially quitting Street Fighter? It seemed as though things have been going fairly well for you in recent months.

Hamad: To start things off, I really love the community. The FGC is my home and I will never leave that. All the friends I've made and know though fighting games will probably last me a life time haha. But, (oh here it comes) I really don't like the direction of Ultra at the moment, and how limiting the online infrastructure can be for improving skill level.

Raptor: Naturally I have to ask then, what's the local scene like where you live?

Hamad: I love my local scene. We actually get 40 entrants minimum at our monthlies in Insomnia VGC, (check them out they're awesome) but most of the players take the game at a casual level. Obviously I respect human choice but the lack of competitive drive forces me to kind of seek my own answers.

Raptor: When you say you don't like the direction Ultra is going, what exactly do you mean? Can you give specifics?

Hamad: I think that the game has too many random variables at a competitive level. One example being meaty attacks (or attacks on opponents wake up.) You know there is something wrong when delaying your meaty to option select with a DP+throw exists. It's just that the buffer window in USF4 is so large that people can literally just escape all offensive situations. They're never forced to follow the old adage of "just block," because it's not advised in this game. I could go on about throw tech windows and even character designs which most people are aware of.

Raptor: How long have you felt this way about the game?

Hamad: To be honest I've started feeling this way once I started to understand how characters limit your player skill (I'm not saying Fei does, hes a top tier character.) What I mean specifically, is that USF4 has become so match up based that you start to realize that opponents can beat you purely on a technical level without understanding fundamentals due to MU. I think that's when I became less naive and acknowledged that people are playing for money and the game has changed from "expressing who you are" to "doing whatever wins." I think players that can manage to do that with one character are truly inspirational because they don't run away from hardship aka bad match ups. They embrace the challenge in the spirit of how their character is a part of their personality.

For instance, Bonchan went to Yun at a recent tournament. So the argument can't be made that a character is just a tool set and the player makes it work. Sagat and Yun are polar opposite characters and Yun definitely does not express how he is as a human being. So, if Bonchan is forced to switch then I just can't see how I can look at the game any other way to be honest.

Raptor: Ha well I can say, as a Gouken player, I feel you when you talk about bad match ups. Do you really feel you're done with the game though? Is it not worth the fun and excitement of traveling to majors?

Hamad: I'm not sure yet to be honest. I will be at Texas Showdown 2015 on May 8-10 and will have a talk with some close friends about this. After the tournament I will make a decision.

Raptor: Well, speaking for myself, I selfishly hope you stick around. You have to be true to yourself though, and if playing this game doesn't make you happy then you shouldn't continue to play it. Many of us have enjoyed watching you play and we hope to continue to be able to. I wanna wish you the best of luck at Texas Showdown.

Hamad: Thank you so much John. I hope people don't interpret this as a spotlight-grabbing thing. I am honest and just hope people debate about the state of the game than rather who I am haha. (I'm not good guys, there are many better players than myself).

the bolded part in particular. As a makoto player its such a fukkin struggle. If you get knocked down and your opponent knows what hes doing, you are dead. I dont got a invincible reversal on wake up, let alone an invincible reversal where I can option select block and throw thereby rendering set ups obsolete. People wonder why nobody plays Makoto anymore, this is probably why.

If you look at recent tourney results all the top players use characters that utilize that BS tech. I dunno if Gen can do it with his ex up kicks, that might be the only exception. Gief might be another exception, but aint no Giefs winning shyt nowadays.


May 12, 2012
idk how i missed this but :gladbron: MKX lookin hype as hell in tourney form

Ryan Hart was gettin WORKED by that Kung Lao :damn:

nikka 3:35 IS HYPE :damn: they aint even have no time to breathe after that shyt


Morose Polymath

Poster of the Year
Aug 1, 2013
Above The Clouds
interesting little interview with hamad from texas. wont link the site cuz it redirects you to app purchases if your on mobile

the bolded part in particular. As a makoto player its such a fukkin struggle. If you get knocked down and your opponent knows what hes doing, you are dead. I dont got a invincible reversal on wake up, let alone an invincible reversal where I can option select block and throw thereby rendering set ups obsolete. People wonder why nobody plays Makoto anymore, this is probably why.

If you look at recent tourney results all the top players use characters that utilize that BS tech. I dunno if Gen can do it with his ex up kicks, that might be the only exception. Gief might be another exception, but aint no Giefs winning shyt nowadays.

The main thing I got from that entire interview is that Money ruins and corrupts every fukkin industry.


Oct 9, 2012
interesting little interview with hamad from texas. wont link the site cuz it redirects you to app purchases if your on mobile

the bolded part in particular. As a makoto player its such a fukkin struggle. If you get knocked down and your opponent knows what hes doing, you are dead. I dont got a invincible reversal on wake up, let alone an invincible reversal where I can option select block and throw thereby rendering set ups obsolete. People wonder why nobody plays Makoto anymore, this is probably why.

If you look at recent tourney results all the top players use characters that utilize that BS tech. I dunno if Gen can do it with his ex up kicks, that might be the only exception. Gief might be another exception, but aint no Giefs winning shyt nowadays.

That is always my biggest grudge iwith this game

It seems to me matchup advantages are more apparent in this game(franchise) compared to other 2d fighter franchises

Sorta one of the reasons I also enjoy playing 3d fighters because the idea of character matchups isn't as relevant

But ya makoto got it rough....I respect any makoto player willing to throw down with my fireball spamming ass sagat :mjcry:

Yall the real MVPS :mjcry:


Oct 9, 2012
interesting little interview with hamad from texas. wont link the site cuz it redirects you to app purchases if your on mobile

the bolded part in particular. As a makoto player its such a fukkin struggle. If you get knocked down and your opponent knows what hes doing, you are dead. I dont got a invincible reversal on wake up, let alone an invincible reversal where I can option select block and throw thereby rendering set ups obsolete. People wonder why nobody plays Makoto anymore, this is probably why.

If you look at recent tourney results all the top players use characters that utilize that BS tech. I dunno if Gen can do it with his ex up kicks, that might be the only exception. Gief might be another exception, but aint no Giefs winning shyt nowadays.
Also funny he bring up that bonchan incident cuz bonchan with his drive t fight any matchup with sagat is such an inspiration

Look at this fight here
Bonchan(the best Sagat) vs Smug(the best Dudley)

The same Dudley that shyts on ryan hart and Sanford got......U know what

I wont spoil it for u :mjpls:


Jun 1, 2012
KaneBlueRiver got to Houston last night

I got some games in with him

Won some :win:

The losses :mjcry::mjcry::mjcry:

Jan was bussin his ass tho:win:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
I been messing around with Garou: Mark of the wolves. Never played it before, been addicted to it.


Did yall know that breh right here could Shoryuken cancel into shinku hadoken? in 1999? Capcom :mjpls:

For whatever reason, this SNK game I can get into more than any other one. :ehh: Too bad its on life support on fightcade:mjcry: