Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
They say the number one most important thing is just winning the election. Okay. Bernie has the best shot at that.:yeshrug:

It’s Bernie, bytch

Bad-faith liberals still blindly downplay Sanders's chance

The substance of Elizabeth Warren’s political rhetoric is dominated by banks and corporations—obvious and odious targets, to be sure. She speaks positively, but vaguely, about labor unions. In 2013, she advocated for a minimum wage increase to $10 an hour over the course of two years—tragically modest in the time of Fight for $15. She’s helped make some mild reforms to student debt, but nothing so great as to be noticeable for a young person debilitated by loans. She’s made no great stink about socialized health care or higher education. Aside from financial regulation, it’s actually quite unclear what a Warren presidential program would be . . .

THIS DANDY LITTLE BIT of self-plagiarism is from three years ago, when I attended a painfully nerdy and shamefully self-congratulatory event to “Draft Warren” into the presidential primary. It was a farcical gathering of Type-A Tracy Flicks, barely worth the free booze, and even the assembled nerds quickly realized this Lisa Simpson of a dark-horse candidate wasn’t as inspiring to the masses as she was to them. We all moved on.

And what we moved onto was Bernie—our indefatigable, unwavering, incorruptible Bernie! And we very nearly won, despite despicable sabotage from the DNC. Bernie was the leader of a movement that fundamentally ended the Cold War of the American mind; he changed the face of American politics, acted as midwife to a nascent insurgent left, and achieved more in a few months of mass political action than Elizabeth Warren did in her whole political life.

It was true then and it’s true now: Bernie Sanders is the best candidate—the only candidate who can be considered anything even close to socialist, and the one to beat Trump. A President Sanders isn’t some idealist fantasy; he is our best bet by a mile. He has consistently polled as the most popular politician in America since the primaries, and while everyone else has been tweeting (or following up with 23andMe), Bernie pressured Amazon into raising wages, followed up by going after Walmart, condemned Saudi Arabia and sponsored the resolution to end support for the war in Yemen, introduced the No Money Bail Act, committed to a federal job guarantee, campaigned so powerfully for Medicare for All that he shifted the entire Democratic Party, and saved a woman from being hit by a car. Not only is he the best candidate politically (as in, the only social democrat), he has the best chance of giving the “pragmatists” what they say they want: a presidential win.

Unfortunately, a few of my media colleagues appear to have caught the Warren bug yet again, but this time around she lacks the good sense to refuse to run.

Elizabeth Warren’s politics aren’t impressive, and they never have been; all she has ever leaned on is a rigid obsession with the sort of basic financial regulation that barely mitigates capitalism’s greatest crimes. She’s not charismatic and appears to have absolutely zero understanding of what voters want in a candidate, as indicated by her pre-campaign soft launch on a bit of specious family lore about Native American heritage. Literally no one cares, and yet she keeps doubling down on it, and that’s because she’s weak. She chokes, she flinches, she reacts every time Trump insults her, and thus the public is far more familiar with her defensive “Orange Man is Mean to Me” ethnic delusion than they are her “Accountable Capitalism Act” (really inspiring name there, Liz).

Warren, who didn’t stop voting Republican until 1995, said in 2011, “I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets. I think that is not true anymore.” Again displaying her tone-deaf penchant for doubling down when the situation desperately calls for changing the subject, she explained further, “I was a Republican at a time when I felt like there was a problem that the markets were under a lot more strain. It worried me whether or not the government played too activist a role.” Then she declined to say whether she voted for Ronald Reagan. (Incidentally, these quotes come from a Daily Beast interview headlined “I Created Occupy Wall Street,” an ungenerous fudge on Warren’s original statement that she “created much of the intellectual foundation of what they do” and her professed support for the Occupy insurgency. One might still accuse her of taking too much credit for the “movement,” but given the futility and ultimate failure of Occupy, I’d argue it’s actually pretty fair to call her its Fairy Godmother.)

There’s no reason to believe that a goody-goody technocrat would fare better in 2020 than fellow neoliberal loser Hillary Clinton did in the prior presidential cycle. And yet here’s Hamilton Nolan in Splinter, who titles his anyone-but-Trump political polemic, “BERNIE DON’T RUN.”

I don’t really give a damn who it is. Warren, or Kamala Harris, or Sherrod Brown, or whoever. Pick one and get behind them from the very beginning. Any solid top-tier true left-wing candidate should, barring a serious fukk-up, be able to win the Democratic nomination if Bernie Sanders hands them all of his supporters on a platter.

I hate to break it to you, HamNo, but the voters actually do give a damn who it is, as evidenced by the fact that Bernie was previously unable to hand Hillary “all of his supporters on a platter.” They didn’t want Hillary, or really any neoliberal. And why should they?

There’s no reason to believe that a goody-goody technocrat would fare better in 2020 than fellow neoliberal loser Hillary Clinton did.

Barack Obama was the very last “horoscope candidate”—a politician who managed to speak so vaguely that his platform could mean anything to anyone. It’s not going to work this time around; the Democratic Party is not going to be able trick people into believing that Liz Warren is a social democrat. Ditto Kamala “Cop” Harris, a woman whose duplicitous record as a prosecutor includes the defense of the death penalty, three strikes laws, and the imprisonment of single mothers for the truancy of their children. You really think you can convince anyone that Kamala Harris is a woman of the people? Sherrod Brown has gone all in with Russiagate hysteria (also he signs his tweets). And before you even think of it, don’t bother with Beto, who is to the right of all of the aforementioned and votes to the right of the median Democrat. His district is majority Democratic, so he could plausibly vote to storm the Winter Palace and still keep his seat, but he joined the New Democrat Coalition in order to advance business interests. You can’t just astroturf any shytty neoliberal hack into the hearts and minds of the Bernie voter; if you could, we’d have President Hillary right now.

The coming election cycle will be an extremely difficult and fraught one. The Democrats might not be able win with any candidate; even the worst presidents seem to serve for two terms now, and frankly, a lot of people have very little faith in electoral change. Despite all the #Resistance hysteria, for the time being, the majority of the electorate hasn’t seen the sort of plummet in quality of life that inspires droves of voters to cast a ballot for Anyone But Trump. The Donald hasn’t actually deviated that much from the neoliberal trajectory of his predecessors (remember, Obama shot tear gas at the border too), and you can’t expect people who don’t spend all day on Twitter to feel that motivated to combat what is essentially the gradual continuation of previous administrations’ policies. (Hell, he’s already more anti-war than Obama was.)

And even if we could get a President Gillibrand in 2020, another lukewarm Democratic presidency will not only further impoverish and destabilize the working class and its suffering institutions, it will also all but guarantee that 2024 brings us POTUS Hamburglar in an SS uniform. No, it’s Bernie or bust. I don’t care if we have to roll him out on a hand truck and sprinkle cocaine into his coleslaw before every speech. If he dies mid-run, we’ll stuff him full of sawdust, shove a hand up his ass, and operate him like a goddamn muppet.

So, if you believe in class politics, don’t pull an Owen Jones. You remember Owen. He went rogue and demanded the resignation of his country’s most inspiring and promising socialist politician, you know, for “pragmatic” reasons. I don’t know why he did it, but I have my suspicions as to why a lot of people who should know better are doing much the same right now. I suspect it has something to do with caution, or at least the professional credibility a writer gains by appearing to heed such caution. Call it “pressimism” if you want, but journalists are generally treated as more judicious when they aim low during times of crisis (it was one thing to support Bernie when we all thought Hillary would win, but now we have to get “serious” and stump for a shytty candidate, lest the New York Times think us too idealistic). Pressimism is regarded by the industry not as cynicism, diffidence, cowardice or even just plain poor judgment, but as prudence. I call it hedging your bets. But since we have a real shot here, it’s time to keep the faith and go all in. Otherwise, no one will ever let you forget it, and you’ll have to spend years eating crow.

And for the love of God, learn to exercise your scoffing muscles. Don’t get drawn into show-trial debates when someone is obviously attempting to defame, discredit, or otherwise malign the Sanders campaign. Yes, there are guileless and gentle souls who voice concern about Sanders’s prospects, policies, or appeal to women and minority voters, and with those people we have conversations. Kindly, confidently, and thoroughly we explain that Bernie Sanders is the best candidate for the working class—and we then spell out, with the same saintly patience, that this means all of the working class. But as for the liberal media, and for those who would disingenuously invoke identity politics to attack the socialist, just remember the magic words: “I know what you’re doing right now, and it doesn’t work on me.” Remember, they’re trying to trip you up, wear you down, and waste your precious time. (Luckily, they’re utter clowns; elite whiners who pout that everyone is being too mean to them and to their favored milquetoast candidate.) The hit pieces against Bernie have already started to pour in, and we cannot concede a single inch to bad-faith liberals. Steel yourselves against the pseudo-progressive manipulation tactics and moral blackmail that put you on the back foot.

If he dies mid-run, we’ll stuff him full of sawdust, shove a hand up his ass, and operate him like a goddamn muppet.

Fellow soft-handed scribblers, if indeed you are a socialist first, then you must be a contrarian pundit second, and this is your one opportunity to drop the professional artifice of “constructive criticism from the left” and choose socialism over media strategy. There are no “impartial” spectators on this one; only partisans and compradors. This is not some college debate where you get extra points for novelty and precocious dissidence, and it’s not some office pool where making heated but distant speculations about the tournament is an amusing pastime with colleagues around the water cooler. This involves nothing less than the real, live fate of every single person in America (and many people outside of it).

If you have strayed, all is forgiven, but you better come to Jesus right now because memory is long, and history judges the cowardly squish far more harshly than the honest enemy. And you can’t say that no one was there at the time to tell you that this was it—this was the pivotal moment where you had to make the right choice.

Partisan isn’t a dirty word, it’s nice out here (on the right side of history), and if you keep sitting on that fence, you’re gonna get splinters in your ass. So hop aboard the Bernie train (choo-chooooo)! We got ourselves a winner. It’s Bernie, bytch, and it’s the only game in town.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
If Bernie spent 30 years trying to pass legislation, he'd have a stronger case.

Look, if you like Bernie because he's as far to the left as you've ever seen, fine. But president? Really? So he can get in office and be railroaded?

Trump can't even do everything he wants and he was in control of all 3 branches.

A president you want can be any democrat (hint: a democrat). Thats why i'm not worried with anyone we pick. Even Kamala Harris WILL sign the legislation the democrats put in front of her. Focus on winning, not political pornography.

Legislators should legislate and Bernie should have learned that.

At least Elizabeth Warren has...

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
If Bernie spent 30 years trying to pass legislation, he'd have a stronger case.

Look, if you like Bernie because he's as far to the left as you've ever seen, fine. But president? Really? So he can get in office and be railroaded?

Trump can't even do everything he wants and he was in control of all 3 branches.

A president you want can be any democrat (hint: a democrat). Thats why i'm not worried with anyone we pick. Even Kamala Harris WILL sign the legislation the democrats put in front of her. Focus on winning, not political pornography.

Legislators should legislate and Bernie should have learned that.

At least Elizabeth Warren has...

You have said you want your most talented legislators to stay in congress

If bernie doesnt legislate well then you should be okay with him as president. Right?

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Personally, i'll be damned

:mjlol: (I kid)


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You have said you want your most talented legislators to stay in congress

If bernie doesnt legislate well then you should be okay with him as president. Right?
Dude. This is my issue.

I want the congress to be more liberal than the president.

I'll just say it.

Cause theres only so much you can do from the POTUS office.

Make. Laws.

That should be the point.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
But Bernie couldn’t even beat Hillary. How is he the best chance? The general election doesn’t have caucuses.
He won all the states Hillary lost in the general that cost her the election. Her primary win was mainly bolstered by southern states she never had a chance in winning in the general or safe democratic states. He won Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana. None of them are caucus states.

All national polling and polling in the above mentioned states showed Sanders having a bigger lead over Trump than Clinton and sometimes by double digits.

You can't triangulate primary and general results.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Anyways more on topic, I'm not rooting for Sanders in 2020 as a first choice. I think 2016 was his best chance and a successor would be better option, such as Warren or sherrod brown.

But I always found the irony in certain people being pragmatist but being absolute zealots in being against a certain candidate despite all data showing, at least back in 2016 it would have resulted in a more sure win.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Dude. This is my issue.

I want the congress to be more liberal than the president.

I'll just say it.

Cause theres only so much you can do from the POTUS office.

Make. Laws.

That should be the point.

Many would say that bernie running in 2016 led to a more liberal congress in 2018

You dont think that trend would continue if he ran in 2020? Or that a liberal senator would emerge in VT to take his place?
Jun 15, 2018
He won all the states Hillary lost in the general that cost her the election. Her primary win was mainly bolstered by southern states she never had a chance in winning in the general or safe democratic states. He won Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana. None of them are caucus states.

All national polling and polling in the above mentioned states showed Sanders having a bigger lead over Trump than Clinton and sometimes by double digits.

You can't triangulate primary and general results.

Given how wrong the polling was for the general, are we sure you wanna hang your hat on that?