Julius Skrrvin
I be winkin' through the scope
The veil is slipping...the communists can't hide their thoughts anymore for what they want for the white race and the future of the West. Michael Eric Dyson saying more white people need to die for them to "understand" racism. Liberals and progressives increasing immigration to displace working class people. Social Scientists who hide behind being "liberals" when really they are just commies who are pumping the youths heads full of marxist-leninist idealogical propaganda. Replacing Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness with "social justice". Gaslighting European history and Ethnic Europeans with marxists theories of "social construction", telling us our history, culture, languages, literature, religions, art, and political philosophy is all a social construct and that we don't really exist and we don't have the right to exist. Openly destroying the fundamental principles of Christianity but at the same time celebrating every other religion. Supporting collectivism over individuality. Supporting progressivism over the principles of Classical Liberalism. Destroying the youths brains with notions of feminism and gender studies. Ignoring world history and creating a false narrative that whites are responsible for every bad thing that ever happened on earth. Increasing the welfare state. Increase the expansion of government. Increasing income distribution. Openly calling diversity training "Cultural Transformation" and "Re-education". They don't even try to hide their communist language anymore.
This isn't America anymore. This isn't the west anymore. Proud Americans, what are you going to about the idealogical subversion that is destroying your country?
White men, what are you going to do about the radical left that wants nothing more than to eliminate 25-30 million ethnic whites in the name of "social justice".
Do you spit in the face of your fathers or will take up the spirit of Aeneas and Hercules once again? They will lie about what they want to your face, but trust me, people like vic, 88 and no bammer would be delighted if their was a mass genocide of Europeans. Will you sleep as your enemies amass right in front of your eyes? You better hope the the spirit of Achilles rejoins you once again.
Isn't this the type of shyt that someone types before they bring an assault rifle to a movie theater? Do you need an intervention? There are several hotlines you can call for these things, @Odyssey. Get help before it is too late and you're the next Anders Behring Breivik.