Breh all of that shyt was uncalled for. I'm looking for results to go with the speeches WTF is wrong with that?. I voted for him and I'm aloud to criticize or praise him as I see fit. This is still a democracy so go fukk off breh. And I'm from cali homie not middle Americayall need to stop with this "he better do X" he cant do anything without the assistance of congress..but go to war. thats pretty much all a prez can do without congress' approval.
So when yall say He better Do X. you need to be saying THEY better help him do X.
and for those idiots who say "here we go again, MORE SPEECHES" do you even know why he does these speeches?
let me explain. he's doing it so YOU the dummies in middle america, the south, any so called conservatives voting against their own wishes. can understand how the game is rigged to destroy you. and you are voting to destroy yourselves. he's telling you this in these speeches. he's also hoping if he hits you with these crazy negative stats. you will finally get off of your butt and go to the voting booths and vote these clowns out of office so people who want to work on your behalf ...CAN.
thats what the speeches are for. its not for congress. its not for him. they already know the numbers. its for the rest of us. who may or may not be in the KNOW. now you have the proof that you knew you and yours were being poorly treated by American corporations, and the current way things are setup. Ok, now voter/citizen. DO something about it. vote them clowns out and vote in people you can trust. if they get in there and do something different then what they said they would do. IMPEACH them, yank them right up out of the office and put someone else in until they all get the hint>"we aint playing that nonsense anymore. you work for us or dont work at all."
i see, your one of the types that just want to cry and complain. no one said you dont have the right to be upset with him or anyone else in office.Breh all of that shyt was uncalled for. I'm looking for results to go with the speeches WTF is wrong with that?. I voted for him and I'm aloud to criticize or praise him as I see fit. This is still a democracy so go fukk off breh. And I'm from cali homie not middle America
Check my congresswomen you long winded faggit. We are light years ahead of most of the country on social issues like this. And shes Has been fighting tooth and nail for a president that has little political leadership skills. You're purposely underestimating the power of the presidency to make up for the failures and broken promises of President Obama so don't give me your fukking 4th period government bullshyt.stop blaming everyone else for this presidents shortcoming. President Obama is a good man at heart.He will probably do more for this country out of office then he has in office. But it takes more than that to be President. what part of that don't you understand?i see, your one of the types that just want to cry and complain. no one said you dont have the right to be upset with him or anyone else in office.
what did i say? reading is...fundamental.
i said there's a reason he gives speeches. its for YOU and I. so we can get off our butts and go hit up our local city, county, state, representatives. if he says I would like to do A and i'll right up a bill. it wont pass unless you have people in congress who are willing to pass it. you do understand this dont you?
if you see a situation where anything that the man attempts to pass is getting stomped out by the repub party. you then have to stop saying "well he better do A B or C" he cant do ANYTHING without congress but go to war.
So you crying about what he should do is STUPID. he cant DO anything on his own. if you have a reason to cry fine, but cry about HIM and THEM. is my point. stop pointing at Him like he's the king of america. sorry thats now how politics works in america friend.
So again. those speeches are to get us(all of us red and blue) to hit up our representatives. so he can push the things he thinks will help us...THRU. thats how it works. so if something doesnt pass. thats on congress. now its your turn citizen. VOTE out clowns who dont have your best interest at heart. and get people in there that do. what part of that dont you understand?
There was nothing empty about this speech. You would've loved it if it was by Warren (which has done more talking than actually getting bills passed but apparently you can be a Senator whose colleagues block your bills and get more leeway than being a president who has congress block your bills )What will make it empty is when his last two years are filled with Republicans blocks. You can't change economic inequality if you can't even get a 9 dollar national minimum wage passed. At this point, it's going to come down to the states and when the Massachusetts' and the California's of the world start to do considerably better than these other states, maybe then people will wake the fukk up.not trying to hear more empty bullshyt from this guy
Defending corporate bankmaster nobama again?There was nothing empty about this speech. You would've loved it if it was by Warren (which has done more talking than actually getting bills passed but apparently you can be a Senator whose colleagues block your bills and get more leeway than being a president who has congress block your bills )What will make it empty is when his last two years are filled with Republicans blocks. You can't change economic inequality if you can't even get a 9 dollar national minimum wage passed. At this point, it's going to come down to the states and when the Massachusetts' and the California's of the world start to do considerably better than these other states, maybe then people will wake the fukk up.
Congress has the worst approval rating in history. Where are you guys getting this argument that the public doesn't have disdain for the hill as wellThere was nothing empty about this speech. You would've loved it if it was by Warren (which has done more talking than actually getting bills passed but apparently you can be a Senator whose colleagues block your bills and get more leeway than being a president who has congress block your bills )What will make it empty is when his last two years are filled with Republicans blocks. You can't change economic inequality if you can't even get a 9 dollar national minimum wage passed. At this point, it's going to come down to the states and when the Massachusetts' and the California's of the world start to do considerably better than these other states, maybe then people will wake the fukk up.