I'm more impressed with this win than 2008.
1) he moved to the left culturally with marriage equality, and most poor cacs vote culturally more than economically. so he lost some white votes there.
2) the money these republican super pacs had this time as opposed to last time, had more of a damaging effect than anything he faced in 2008.
3) like u said, he still only lost 2 states that he had last time, which were miraculous for him to win last time, and were conservative states.
4) he had a record, and a vision, and the people validated it.
5) the fact that republican turnout is down. if obama was really as hated as people on the far right claim, it would have been up, especially compared to John Maccain. but romney got less than john mccain, proving a lot of people didn't hate obama that much or think his performance was that bad to inspire them to vote him out. compare that to 2004, when turnout went up big time, cause the left and the right were both equally inspired to determine the bush result. obama turnout is along similar lines as regan in 1984, and clinton in 1996, where the country was doing well enough that voter turnout was down.