meanwhile in the Romney side
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.The last days of Romneyland - First Read
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
meanwhile in the Romney side
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.The last days of Romneyland - First Read
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
meanwhile in the Romney side
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.The last days of Romneyland - First Read
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
Barack Obama is looking older and older.
Barack Obama is looking older and older.
yeah its called ageing
just imagine amount of stress hes under especially after a long campaign
Right. I wonder if he's drinking green tea with honey to stay healthy and feeling good.
meanwhile in the Romney side
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.The last days of Romneyland - First Read
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.