Obama sides with the UN against Haiti in the cholera case

Jun 24, 2012
Èzili Dantò
The United States, which overthrew Haiti’s democracy ten years ago and then engineered the United Nations occupation of the country, now argues in court that the UN should enjoy impunity for inflicting Haiti with cholera.” The move was totally predictable. “It’s naive and silly to think that the U.S. would not block lawsuits brought against its imperial policies and their deadly consequences.”

Obama sides with the UN against Haiti in the cholera case
Èzili Dantò
This article was previously published on the author’s web site, Èzili Dantò

The Barack Obama administration’s imperial policies against Haiti have been worse for Haiti and for the rest of the African world than the Bushes’ reigns.”

The Obama administration filed a brief siding with the United Nations against Haiti in the Boston-based Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IDJH)’s cholera lawsuit. The U.S. Government asked a New York Federal Court judge to block the lawsuit, and to recognize the UN’s immunity. Haiti did not have cholera until the Nepalese soldiers from the UN-MINUSTAH troops negligently and recklessly imported the disease to Haiti in October 2010. The UN criminally covered up the source of the disease, took unfair advantage of Haiti’s lack of political sovereignty – which they caused – and then hid behind immunity to further deny Haitians justice.

Haiti’s water system is poisoned. More than 10,000 Haitians have died and over 800,000 are infected with UN cholera. It will take Haiti billions of dollars to detoxify the poisoned water system. The death toll is piling up.

Evidently, cleaning Haiti’s water system, compensating the victims and preventing further Haiti cholera victims – like preventing Syrian civilians dying – is not a US government priority. The alleged chemical that killed 1400 Syrians is enough for Obama to start a war with Syria. But establishment bioterrorism that infects 800,000 Haitians, kills over 10,000, with the death count climbing daily, is not worthy of even litigation, explains Barack Obama’s US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.

Depopulating Haiti with disease, famine, regime change, restructured colonial armies in order to take Haitian lands, pristine offshore islands, exploit its riches and put the people in servitude is the barbarity of 1492 continued.

Instead of admitting culpability in helping to bring the illegal chapter 7 UN force into Haiti as its proxy army and admitting that responsibility for the cholera outbreak rests squarely with them, the US is maliciously indifferent to the suffering and oppression it has wrought. Its blithely focused on establishing luxury hotels, tourist resorts, mining infrastructure to drill and dig up Haiti’s vast minerals and oil for its own coffers. While claiming it is providing aid to Haiti, the U.S. is stealing Haiti’s gold, copper, marble, iridium, uranium and oil wealth. The U.S. genocidal plans for Haitians continues to displace Haiti’s farmers and fishermen as they battle cholera.

Many Haiti-led efforts to provide the dying people with clean water and skills-transfer for sustainable Haitianist development are also blocked by the US/Euro charitable industrial complex (the NGOs) in Haiti.

While claiming it is providing aid to Haiti, the U.S. is stealing Haiti’s gold, copper, marble, iridium, uranium and oil wealth.”

The white supremacists won’t allow any positive Haiti action that’s not filtered through its gaze. After February 29, 2004, once the US government had forcibly silenced or co-opted (with satchels of NGO monies) Haiti’s pro-democracy opposition to regime change, the Clinton Global Initiative, Paul Farmer/UN, George Soros and Bill Gates mafia stepped in, in earnest, as force-multipliers for imperialism. Dr. Paul Farmer, PAHO, Doctors Without Borders (MSF), Monsanto and company poured into Haiti’s fragile bodies, deadly untested pharmaceuticals, vaccines, GMOs and other Western depopulation initiatives cloaked as aid.

Like slavery in the sixteenth century, the US genocide in Haiti is silently accepted as the norm by the civilized nations of the world. The imperialists’ genocidal program in Haiti, in Africa, and the Caribbean are tourism in the time of cholera, forcing “developing” nations like Haiti into more IMF/World bank debts, unfair trade, an export economy, sweatshops and the privatization of pubic assets, like Haiti ‘s offshore islands. It’s naive and silly to think that the U.S. would not block lawsuits brought against its imperial policies and their deadly consequences. (See, Haitian-American officials to State Department: Don’t intervene in cholera lawsuit.) The consternation that this shameless Obama administration action kicks up, further covers-up the truth of the matter.

Cholera, like the earthquake, is an opportunityfor the disaster capitalists to fundraise, elevate their “do-gooder” image, make more profits off Black suffering, exploitation and death.

Taking unfair advantage of the poor and vulnerable for personal financial rewards and covering it up with “saving the soul of the native,” “bringing democracy,” “helping the Haitians” or whitening Haiti with European presence, apartheid or tourism has always been the colonial game. That game is viewed as normal for those “Blacks” assimilated into the system. It’s not possible to awaken someone who’s pretending to sleep.

Desalin, Haiti’s founding father, said no. Haiti’s masses are unique in the Caribbean because Desalin said no to Haiti being a Black-ruled Euro/US colony. No, to the fake neutrality of blan kolon like the ones running the NGOs. Desalin said the only good white is the one who will load his gun to stop the criminally bad ones in Haiti.
Jun 24, 2012
There are some well meaning folks in the world, from all the socially constructed races, who are legitimately unaware of the US deceit with the charitable industrial complex; still some well-meaning folks sending their hard earned monies to big business orphanages and the Red Cross to “help” Haitians.

Like slavery in the sixteenth century, the US genocide in Haiti is silently accepted as the norm by the civilized nations of the world.”

That’s why Ezili’s HLLN writes the non-colonial narrative and circulates it. That’s why, from the very beginning of this new death trap for Haiti, we’ve maintained that the only use of the US courts is to lift up the non-colonial narrative on Haiti. Bring a class action cholera suit under international laws and the Federal Alien Torts Claim Act to spread the truth. Then give evidence of the role of NGOs as Trojan Horse for world imperialism, unveil the coup-plotters, and expose the US occupation of Haiti that is covered up by the greedy partners-in-death NGOs and how the roots of that rotten tree brought the deadly cholera to Haiti.

Who would reasonably expect the United States’ government to reverse its historical oppression of Haiti, to not protect its 10-year occupation hidden behind UN proxy guns? That’s just Black mis-leadership and willful complicity with imperialism.

The Barack Obama administration’s imperial policies against Haiti have been worse for Haiti and for the rest of the African world than the Bushes’ reigns – precisely because when the Democrats presides over white supremacy, pillage and imperialism, they doesn’t get as much scrutiny and organized push-back as when the right wing pushes forth the IMF/World bank death plans. Nobel peace prize winner Barack Obama did not just pick up that 3:00 am phone call, but, as has been noted, he mostly stayed on the phone making war and sending out drones for his entire terms in office.

The cover-up of the US occupation in Haiti is reinforced by IDJH ‘s “legal” representation of the Haiti cholera victims. The fiction of neutrality obscures the reality. These human rights lawyers, doctors-without-borders and others like the Red Cross are ideally situated as gatekeepers for empire. These sell-outs are funded by empire to carry empire’s biddings.

Dr. Paul Farmer is the UN’s appointed special adviser for the (unfunded) United Nation $2.2 billion dollar cholera elimination project for Haiti. Farmer is on the board of directors of IDJH.

It is a glaring conflict of interest for Dr. Paul Farmer, the former UN deputy envoy to Haiti, who took part in the UN public delay and cover-up of the source of the outbreak, to be on the board of IDJH which is bringing the cholera lawsuit for Haiti victims.

The faces of tyranny are that of supermodels, world renowned actors and musicians putting their star power behind the re-enslavement of Haiti.”

The unscrupulous connections and gatekeeper roles of Bill Clinton, USAID, the UN, Dr. Farmer and his partner, Dr. Jim Yong Kim, who is now the president of the World Bank which failed Haiti reconstruction, along with the other usual “peace and justice” suspects, their interlocking directorships at Harvard to the CDC, to Monsanto, to big pharmaceutical, big oil to the Hollywood colonial celebritism (who are pushing the colonial narrative ) in the IDJH case, makes the lawsuit an absurdly tragic joke in the first place.

Colonial celebritism is a tool for dumbing down the U.S. masses in order to get away with resource wars, murder and pillage. The deeper truth is hidden behind the Western star power. Smiling faces tell lies. They don’t tell the truth. But, masks imperial terror. The faces of tyranny are that of supermodels, world renowned actors and musicians putting their star power behind the re-enslavement of Haiti, celebrating sweatshops, unfair trade, apartheid, tourism in the time of cholera. The soul of the Haitian reality is hidden, opposition to imperialism neutralized, disemboweled as Hollywood starlets use Haiti suffering as a prop, adding “Haiti charity work” credit to their public portfolios. The Devil’s glee deepens, imperialism camouflaged.

With the Paul Farmer/IDJH/USAID crew representing Haiti cholera victims, it’s like the UN was representing the plaintiffs it harmed. The US and the UN managed to work for their own interests while processing a suit to make it seem as if Haitians can get justice from some of the very actors who took Haiti’s sovereignty. As if the Haiti cholera plaintiffs have unconflicted and fair legal representation. With this deception, the imperialists and their minions covered all their bases. The outcome is fairly predetermined.

The colonial narrative, the pretense that the US has nothing to do with the arrival of deadly cholera in Haiti, continues. Paul Farmer will be giving more ineffective two-year cholera vaccines to Haitians. Paul Farmer might continue to give these ineffective cholera vaccines in St. Marc where a world renowned epidemiologist – who, unlike Paul Farmer is an actual cholera expert – say there is NO CHOLERA.

Bill Clinton will continue to help sell cholera insurance to impoverished and sick Haiti victims. The Obama State Department shall continue throwing its weight behind the fiction that the United States has no responsibility for Haiti’s cholera, famine, resource pillage, the population’s total disenfranchisement; no interests in Haiti other than that of an innocent bystander doing good for a poor neighbor! Stealing Haiti offshore islands. Pillaging Haiti’s gold, copper. Tourism in the time of cholera! All, while keeping their do-gooder mask on, is win, win for the fake humanitarians and their capitalist funders.
Jun 24, 2012
Essentially, the IDJH lawsuit reinforces the cover-up of the US occupation of Haiti. The case allowed Obama to plea for immunity for the UN bringing cholera to Haiti without ever showing that this US official posture was inevitable. The US is pleading to be absolved of its own wrongs in Haiti.

These US “peace and justice” progressives ignore that the US owns the primary responsibility for the UN presence in Haiti that brought the deadly cholera.

The cover-up is mind boggling in its sophistication. Paul Farmer, the UN guru for cleaning up Haiti’s water system that the UN poisoned, is also on IDJH’s board and the former UN deputy envoy to Haiti as well as the head of the NGO providing cholera vaccines to Haitians. The US declaration that the UN has immunity for killing Haitians is an inside job. Those who deliberately ignored the US war on Haiti are complicit with US imperialism and terror in Haiti. The NGOs in Haiti perpetuate the lies for their own survival and greed.

US ‘peace and justice’ progressives ignore that the US owns the primary responsibility for the UN presence in Haiti that brought the deadly cholera.”

Also, notice how the Business Standard article (“UN has immunity from Haiti cholera lawsuit: US”) announcing the US position pretends that the UN came into Haiti not to legitimized the ouster of a democratically elected Haiti government in 2004, but as humanitarians after the earthquake. And the media lies for empire go on and on.

The article says:

There had been no cholera in Haiti for at least 150 years until it was allegedly introduced to the Caribbean nation by Nepalese UN peacekeepers sent there in the wake of the devastating earthquake in January 2010.“

Haiti has less violence than most Caribbean countries – than most nations in the Western hemisphere. The US is responsible for the destruction of Haiti’s fledgling participatory democracy in 2004. Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell helped the George W. Bush administration conceal and obscure the US invasion of Haiti through a UN chapter 7 “peacekeeping” force when there’s no war in Haiti. It continues the fiction that it is an innocent bystander. It continues being the primary source of funding for a 10-year UN mission in Haiti for “humanitarian” purposes. (See UN claims to be above the law, says its legal to kill 8000 Haitians with impunity.)

Pleading immunity for itself but under the UN cover that the IDJH/Paul Farmer lawsuit helped to keep in place, Obama State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki sheds crocodile tears, expressing sympathy for the Haitian victims over “the tragic loss of life” due to the cholera outbreak. But, she told reporters:

“the United States has legally binding treaty obligations that require it to afford the UN immunity from suit and also provide immunity of UN officials.”

Haiti is open for business. This Clinton/Obama/US chorus means Haiti is for sale. Haitian death caused by the warmongers and poverty pimps’ “business,” along with Haiti suffering, Haiti labor, Haiti lands, water system, oil, gold, iridium, uranium, offshore islands and deep water ports, are all for privatizing. The imperialist despots, with the help of the “humanitarians” and NGOs with satchels of monies from establishment forces, are there to keep the fiction of the philanthropic role of the US, OAS, UN, USAID, IMF and World Bank going.

Ezili’s HLLN, along with other such Haiti grassroots voices, are the marginalized voices of truth speaking truth to power for 20-years now. Never wavering. (See, US to Rewrite Constitution to Better the One Percent; Corruption Uninterrupted in Haiti, and Visions of a Plantation Haiti: A White Pearl Again! and Legal responsibility of UN for reckless transmission of a contagious disease.)

The white saviors of Haiti are always announcing that democracy and justice has won, whether it’s with prosecuting bloody Duvalier or the US for cholera through the UN. Yet, Duvalier’s henchmen are back in power, put there by Bill and Hillary Clinton under the Obama administration. Haiti does not have democracy, but dictatorship. The Western human rights lawyers and organizations refuse to take action against the US government and its coup plotters in Haiti. This hinders the Haitian people from fighting back as they should – wastes time in useless actions that do little more than make the white saviors feel that there’s some redeeming value in US foreign policy in Haiti, in US international financial institutions and the capitalist system that vies for the soul of Black and non-white nations.

The West has two faces, one evil. The majority of the peace and justice human rights organizations take monies from empire and their minions, shroud their espionage work for empire and how they’re powerful tools in the service of imperialism. The co-opted Western human rights organizations must be ignored. (See, Democratic Party arm criticized in Haiti project for spending on big foreign salaries and Washington office overhead; Nonviolence in the Service of Imperialism.)

Every human has the right to self defense. Stand your ground Ayiti. (Haiti: Time to remember Kandyo, the Malfini and Mongoose.)

Ayisyen, alaso! Pa kite blan kolon finn detwi nou ak manti – Haiti, liberate yourself!

Living without honor is worst than death.

“Grenadye alaso sa ki mouri n’ap vanje yo!” –Indigenous Army of Ayiti, 1

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Here's a brief report of the story that doesn't go into hyperbole about biological terrorism, depopulation, genocide, and the Bill Gates-George Soros Mafia like thekingsmen's

The Obama administration has told a federal judge that diplomatic immunity shields the United Nations from liability for a cholera outbreak that ravaged Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.

Haitians living in the U.S. and Haiti have filed at least two lawsuits seeking class action status in federal courts in New York claiming that the U.N. failed to screen infected peacekeepers deployed from Nepal. The lawsuits also claim the U.N. mission constructed shoddy sanitation facilities that allowed contaminated human waste to run into the country’s major river, helping to spread the disease.

The 2010 cholera outbreak killed more than 8,000 Haitians and sickened hundreds of thousands, according to U.S. officials.The latest lawsuit was filed on Tuesday in Brooklyn federal court on behalf of nearly 1,500 residents of Haiti and the U.S. who say they “have been or will be sickened, or have family members who have died or will die, as a direct result of the cholera introduced to Haiti.”

The named plaintiffs are four Haitians living in New York City and Atlanta whose father and stepmother were allegedly killed by the disease. A similar lawsuit on behalf of Haitian victims was filed in Manhattan federal court in October.While declining to comment specifically on the litigation, a spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement Wednesday that the U.N. “continues to be committed to do all that it can to help the people of Haiti overcome the cholera epidemic.”Last month, the U.N.’s Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, Miguel de Serpa Soares, wrote to U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power asserting “that the United Nations continues to maintain its immunity and the immunity of its officials in connection with this matter,” according to court documents.The letter requested that the Obama administration “take necessary action to ensure respect for the privileges and immunities of the Organization and its officials and ensure that no judgment or other adverse decision is entered by the Court against the Organization and its officials.”

On Friday, the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office expressed its agreement with the U.N. in a letter to the Manhattan federal judge presiding over the case. The letter says the U.N. enjoys absolute immunity that hasn’t been waived.“ecause the U.N. has not waived its immunity in this case, the U.N., including [the U.N. Stabilization Mission In Haiti], enjoys absolute immunity from suit, and this action should be dismissed as against the UN for lack of subject matter jurisdiction,” the U.S. attorney’s office wrote.The plaintiffs say the U.N. has “well-established legal obligations,” citing a 2004 “stabilization agreement with Haiti” that they say explicitly waives sovereign immunity.

They are asking a U.S. district judge to order the U.N. to set up a claims commission that would compensate victims and pay for water and sanitation improvements. “We’re asking for some modest compensation,” Stanley Alpert, an attorney for the plaintiffs and former federal prosecutor, told Law Blog. “Nobody is talking about American-style punitive damages.”



Apr 16, 2013
Not surprising, but not even acknowledging their wrongdoing even with diplomatic immunity lets you know the UN is a real shytty organization. They better clean their mess up. :beli:

Going back to when I mentioned going to the UN about human rights violations in the US, stories like this kind of make me reconsider. :patrice:


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Going back to when I mentioned going to the UN about human rights violations in the US, stories like this kind of make me reconsider. :patrice:

lol yeah I remember that. This situation disgusted the fukk outta me to where I have almost no faith in the UN. I mean even if they can't sue you it's obvious they need help tackling the issue but these faggits don't even want to acknowledge that they did anything. fukk a UN, the African Union needs to strengthen itself and do this kinda work imo but that easier said than done.


Apr 30, 2012
@thekingsmen you have to link to articles in HL breh. It's right there in the rules. That's more or less the determining factor in whether or not something even stays in here.