Oakland A's will Play in West Sacramento 25-27 season. Definitely moving to Vegas in 28.

Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
From Official A's FB...

"Sutter Health Park in West Sacramento will host the A's for the 2025-27 seasons - ahead of the team's move to Vegas in 2028."

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
:why: Fukk does it matter to you if you’re not an As fan
You don’t see a problem with the league allowing multiple owners across nearly 30 years constantly shyt all over their team’s host city, publicly declare that winning isn’t a priority, cut payroll at every opportunity and even getting rid of players who call them out on it (like Josh Donaldson), stuff revenue sharing checks in their pockets, be deadbeat tenants with their host city by refusing to share revenue for parking, ticket, and concession sales as agreements they entered required them to, raising ticket prices and tarping off seats to drive away fans so they don’t hit attendance numbers that would mandate they share certain revenue with their host city, telling anyone who would listen that they don’t want to be there while sabotaging any and all efforts to get a new park built, fukking things up for the raiders to the point that they move, claiming they’ve made honest efforts to get a new park built when they’ve sabotaged everything openly from the start, and then citing lack of fan attendance as proof that they need to move while moving into a minor league park and leaving a big market for a tiny market? All of this while the commissioner blocked countless efforts to buy the team buy groups who actually want to win and keep the team where their fans are?

Owners being allowed to get away with shyt like this more or less ensures that outside of New York, LA, and maybe Chicago and Dallas, no team is safe from this type of treatment while the host cities are subjected to being shaken down for money. This is the sort of thing that the league should see its antitrust status revoked over. Short of lockouts and refusing to sign players to drive down player salaries like they’ve repeatedly done in the past, this is the worst sort of behavior there can be from a sports league and it puts everyone and everything at risk.