Nonsense music was always popular


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
...people don't really listen to music to listen, like say if you were listening to a speech or someone give a lecture. it's not the same. shouldn't expect it to be the same either. i don't find style to be a problem as much as production and consumption due to business demands. that's what makes shyt like this prevalent among the pool because someone somewhere is exploiting an audience that favors the song and yet it's rarely for musical reasons. it's mostly because of energy and messaging beneath, which is where the problem is.

and therefore the money just builds on itself. people will claim it's the will of the consumer but really most consumers only know what's given to them and rarely do they search for a sound they don't know. especially the average music listener. and, the business incorporates so many other NON musical elements to make a person appeal. it's really not about music as much as music is the vehicle for the message

not the styling of your sound, the messaging underneath it all