No matter what type of guy you are. Chads situation should be a lesson to you all

King Theo

All Star
May 1, 2012
if your doing well for yourself you need to keep them hoodrats, trailer trash, generally crazy broads out your life my brehs
now they can trick you and not come off like that for quite some time if they are good at it.
But you need to set up a test which really brings out their real side in a certain amount of time.
I hate to see girls who are able to push buttons on a good guy and get him to react.
you need to know your limits and know if this broad really wants you to react to benifit herself.
Im not gonna sit here and say dont get married. even though i agree with reincar on alot
but i understand if someone feels they should but they need to be 100% of their broad and/or other before they commit that


Follow me to the truth
Apr 30, 2012
Bama ass DC
i was thinking the same thing. why would you even associate with such an uncouth bytch but then it hit me. dude came up around hoodrats. his 1st love and every girl he dated until he got to college was a hoodrat. his college girl was prob a rat cause that's what he's used to. then he got money and he tried to go for a chick that had some class but he wasn;t attracted to her cuz she lacked that thing all his previous chicks had. so he went back and got a rat. and that rat bit him in the ass and gave him rabies
Jun 16, 2012
respect, usa
i was thinking the same thing. why would you even associate with such an uncouth bytch but then it hit me. dude came up around hoodrats. his 1st love and every girl he dated until he got to college was a hoodrat. his college girl was prob a rat cause that's what he's used to. then he got money and he tried to go for a chick that had some class but he wasn;t attracted to her cuz she lacked that thing all his previous chicks had. so he went back and got a rat. and that rat bit him in the ass and gave him rabies



No matter how people try to spin it, YOU ATTRACT WHAT YOU ARE.
May 9, 2012
i was thinking the same thing. why would you even associate with such an uncouth bytch but then it hit me. dude came up around hoodrats. his 1st love and every girl he dated until he got to college was a hoodrat. his college girl was prob a rat cause that's what he's used to. then he got money and he tried to go for a chick that had some class but he wasn;t attracted to her cuz she lacked that thing all his previous chicks had. so he went back and got a rat. and that rat bit him in the ass and gave him rabies


Ima be 100. i'm like this and that shyt definitely ain't healthy. I've only had maybe like 1 or 2 genuinely "good" broads in my life since i've started dating and I was :huhldup: towards them. Didn't want shyt to do with them other than hitting it. I love hoodrats and I dunno why :what:

Fortunately I ain't been burnt by a hoodrat yet, but everybody's luck runs out eventually. i'm learning this lesson before I end up :to: for the rest of my life.
Jun 16, 2012
respect, usa
Im not even mad at this to be honest and i understand where you are coming from.
but im just talking about relationships in general
but i kind of rambled off into marriage. with that said am i wrong?:leon:

Look man. All the high profile cases and on mostly male oriented boards it's the same shh,

1. Don't get married.

2. Pre-nup.

3. Watch your money.


Kobe, Tiger, Jordan = All cheated. You have no rights as a man being married and decide to cheat on your wife. Them nggas deserved that shh. You don't ever make a fool of someone publicly. But how many of those responses in those cases were "Don't cheat". Exactly nggas out here living foul and thinking it's okay just because they make coins?


Chad = Hoodrat ngga with a hoodrat chick. Why expect any other outcome besides this? Dude is a clown ass ngga, yet it's somehow some COINTELPRO plot thought up by some raged pssy Puerto Rican? Shh is laughable. But these are "men"(really grown children) that you guys take cues from when it comes to marriage?



Marriage is wonderful when two people come from the same place and have an understanding of what they want. Realistic expectations. My wife and I are early-mid 20's. Both college educated. Combined income below 100K, debt below 15K. No kids, decent starter house, sharing a vehicle, just chillin man. We met in college, which in my opinion is the best place to meet your future spouse.

Where else will you meet a college educated woman in her physical prime? The problem is nggas out here living vicariously through celebrities. That playa shh ain't for everybody and I know some real playas and I wouldn't want their life for nothing. Nggas spend the majority of their time chasing tail and they expect at 30 plus that some dime chick with the intellect of Maya Angelou is going to come along?

shyt is hilarious. Then you blog nggas spew non-sense on marriage and relationships when you not in a relationship and not married?


There are going to be a lot more baby mamas and daddy's in this country(the number will increase within the black community) because people are not thinking rationally when it comes to relationships. People don't want to work for anything and this has trickled down to relationships as well. This generation is weaker in every facet of life and that includes the hardships that come within a relationship and marriage.

Not to mention the complete lack of humility. A bunch of 30K millionaires really believe in their minds they make 400K cause they can lease a BMW and somehow that qualifies them for Beyonce looks and Condoleeza credentials.


Females out here bad bodied, can't cook, a few abortions, yet will will sit outside clubs with a megaphone, making sure everyone knows they have a degree in Psychology. In their minds that qualifies them for Barrack Obamas.


Both hopped up on tv, instagram, reality tv shows and the belief that since they did X,Y,Z they "deserve the best" and are cemented in their stances. Women and Men of this generation are in an everlasting dual so it seems because both won't put down their individual guards, plan and build a stronger shield together.

:myman: Peep the married thread. A lot of brothas dropping real knowledge in there.
Jun 16, 2012
respect, usa


Jun 16, 2012
respect, usa
gimme a break im young atill tryin to figure some of this shyt out :pachaha:


I feel you man. I almost developed that mindset around 17/18 but I had someone who put things in perspective. I'm a believer in mentors. All young males, especially brothas should get one. Doesn't have to be a pastor or nothing. Just an older cat to guide young brothas and keep them out of common traps like, drug abuse and baby mama drama.

Shh I'm in my mid 20's now and I can't believe how much I've matured from 21 to now 25. Four years ago it was keg stands and steak n shake. Now it's mortgages and cutting the damn lawn. Shh goes by fast breh but enjoy it. Find someone to enjoy it with.