No Man's Sky (PC, Xbox One, Switch, PS4, PS VR2)


Jun 8, 2012
this is hilarious the witch hunt hello g has on their tail. my goodness. this new era of social media. i have a funny feeling some person or people who work for the ASA wanted the game and had all these high hopes and dreams just like a lot of the people that are mad. so they themselves did what they could to get hello G investigated. yall have to remember. this wasnt just some game hyped by geeks young cats in the basement of their parents house. i still remember him talking about kanye and elon musk wanted to holler at him about the game. with others inquiring about it as well. different types of brainiacs from all walks of life were intrigued by this game. so i wouldnt put it passed one of the ASA employees to have helped pushed this.

my only issue with it is this. we've been lied to by AAA companies with 10 million dollar budgets and 500 people working on a game. yet they were never investigated. yall get my point? if the ASA was going hard on everyone than sorry Hello G. you have to catch the heat too. but since i know they dont go hard on everyone that deserves it. dont go hard on the guys who had 14 people working on a game of this size vs 500+ working on most true AAA titles that have lied to you.


Jun 8, 2012
Well yeah, the attention it got is because it was pretty much the laughing stock of the internet for a while. It'll get far more attention to it because of that. I don't think the hype for NMS(imo) was any different than other big game, in fact I think because of the negativity that people started talking about it more. For months I'd see people always ask "so what do you do in this game??"
people would ask what do you do in the game. because they didnt want to listen to the creators tell them the truth about what you do in the game. they wanted to let their imaginations run wild with the possibilities of a game like this.

from day one. i always knew what the game was about and what you did. a survival space game where you collect stuff to keep surviving and travelling throughout space. which is fine by me. do i want it to have those giant sandworms in it? YEP. are they in the game? dont know. there are how many planets? how many will we never see? can any of us say without hello telling us otherwise that those things are not on at least one planet? NOPE>

shoot, hello could say they have a planet with all super sayains battling it out. but if there's less than .00000001% chance of me finding said planet. i wont ever be able to say for sure if thats a lie or the truth.


Jun 8, 2012
Still would play this but only when it's 10 bucks or free on PS+
even in its current state. its worth more than 10 bucks all hate aside. lets put a true value on this game. but let me first give you a true value of another AAA game.

i would say gta 5 is worth the full price. $59.99

if thats the case. then i would say Destiny was worth like $30.00 (it would've been worth $40.00 with all the extra dlc packs added in.)

NMS as is, (assuming the last patch fixed most of the basic issues of freezing and what not that most games have when they drop). but as is. we're not talking about broken promises. but NMS is worth $30.00

remember NMS and destiny are not the same type of game other than both of them having to do with space and aliens. but for the true value. in my opinion. they are worth about the same. i think destiny for all its looks is wayyyyyyyyyyy too small. and dont try to sell me new areas/maps. i also think your enemies were way to repetitive even though some of the dlc was fun at times. but people who like those FPS games. love it. still.

just like i like walking around these weird looking planets in NMS.

destiny could be a ton better than it actually is if they fleshed out more of it. but that will never happen because all they need to give the FPS fans is a FPS with aliens and nice guns to upgrade. i think NMS would be excellent if they used that money they received to hire 300 devs/artists to flesh out what the game could actually be. since they already have the giant sanbox. it's like they have the foundation. or even the house. now they need furniture and finishings to make it look like a home.

Gta5 was a full on big house with all the nice stuff in it, and a pool and jacuzzi in the back.

Destiny was a nice little tiny house. it was cute but i felt like the house was wayyy to small.


XBOT Suicide Prevention Squad
Jan 24, 2015
Cali Crew
this is hilarious the witch hunt hello g has on their tail. my goodness. this new era of social media. i have a funny feeling some person or people who work for the ASA wanted the game and had all these high hopes and dreams just like a lot of the people that are mad. so they themselves did what they could to get hello G investigated. yall have to remember. this wasnt just some game hyped by geeks young cats in the basement of their parents house. i still remember him talking about kanye and elon musk wanted to holler at him about the game. with others inquiring about it as well. different types of brainiacs from all walks of life were intrigued by this game. so i wouldnt put it passed one of the ASA employees to have helped pushed this.

my only issue with it is this. we've been lied to by AAA companies with 10 million dollar budgets and 500 people working on a game. yet they were never investigated. yall get my point? if the ASA was going hard on everyone than sorry Hello G. you have to catch the heat too. but since i know they dont go hard on everyone that deserves it. dont go hard on the guys who had 14 people working on a game of this size vs 500+ working on most true AAA titles that have lied to you.

dont shoot the messenger, I just posted this. aint ever played or owned No Mans Sky. It looks fun tho


Jul 5, 2012
people would ask what do you do in the game. because they didnt want to listen to the creators tell them the truth about what you do in the game. they wanted to let their imaginations run wild with the possibilities of a game like this.

from day one. i always knew what the game was about and what you did. a survival space game where you collect stuff to keep surviving and travelling throughout space. which is fine by me. do i want it to have those giant sandworms in it? YEP. are they in the game? dont know. there are how many planets? how many will we never see? can any of us say without hello telling us otherwise that those things are not on at least one planet? NOPE>

shoot, hello could say they have a planet with all super sayains battling it out. but if there's less than .00000001% chance of me finding said planet. i wont ever be able to say for sure if thats a lie or the truth.

But you can definitely say there was no basebuilding & was no joining factions.



Jun 8, 2012
But you can definitely say there was no basebuilding & was no joining factions.

base building was never apart of the actual game. thats not a lie. thats something he talked about people wanting. he said many times. that basebuilding was not what the game was about. because that stops the exploring aspect. even though he knew someone or some people would still stay on one planet forever. he didnt want that to be an attraction even though its still possible to do. so no basebuilding was always the plan at launch. but to later add it in if the people really wanted it.

as far as joining factions. you didnt join a faction. you had better relations with a faction where in a situation if you got into fight they may help you out in space OR if you requested certain valuables from them. they would be more likely to give you things you would not normally get with bad relations or no relations at all. the 1st part of that sentence is not in the game at all. the 2nd part is. if you have no relations or very low relations with certain alien factions. there are certain things you can't get from them when speaking with them in outposts or in their ships. the better your relations the more stuff you can get from them. so that is in the game currently. could it be done better? YEP. but it is in there.


Jun 8, 2012

dont shoot the messenger, I just posted this. aint ever played or owned No Mans Sky. It looks fun tho
no problem, i wasnt going at you or anyone. just stating what i think has happened with the ASA investigation thing. But i'm glad you were honest about the bolded. most people crying/complaining about this game are just like you. never played it, never owned. i said this earlier. you have 1000's of people running into threads, reddit threads, youtube comments, with a whole lot to say about something they have never owned or played. How crazy is that? these people are going back and forth with those who have actually played it, owned the game. imagine someone telling you how bad a movie is that they have never seen. they've just seen a couple of trailers and red comments about it. but they've never themselves watched the movie. this is a problem with this era of commentors. you can't even have a real convo because half the people are officially trolling.


Jun 8, 2012
rapbeats still in here stanning I see
explain to me specifically what part did i stan with my recent reply? i'll wait.
and quote some stuff of what i just posted a couple of days ago. to prove my stannery.

thats right this is the era of troll people when you've never yourself played the game. make comments about things you know little to nothing about in reality.

OR its the era of follow the leader. if most people says something is great. you think its great. even though you have never played it. or if most people says it sucks you think it sucks. even though you've probably never played it. lol. it's getting harder and harder to take yall seriously knowing half of yall are one of those types. i can't even find the people who have actually played the game and disliked it with legitimate reasons. so they can speak on that. all i'm catch are people that have never played it. running to negative comment sections on the internet. and copying/pasting it in here.


Jun 8, 2012
Aight brehs, so i bought this game simply because i invested too much into the hype. Just gonna give a review.

Unlike most reviews, the first hours of this game were horrible, boring, and laborious; i hated it. Always out of material, crafting system seemed slow for no reason, lots of things i hated. Wasn't until i started looking for tips for the game that things got better.

1. Run + Dash (melee) + Jump = Speed Boost --> serious don't know why this isn't just told to the user. I spent way too much time walking
2. Laser Crafting + Grenades = Easy Mining --> another one, trying to mine a huge crystal with only a laser pointer is stupid
3. Bypass Chips! --> land on a planet, and go ham with the bypass chips, find everything, i mainly got hype off the drop pods and extra suite slots
4. Find other peoples ships and fix them --> lots of benefits

Seriously, if not for the above, this game is unplayable. They just don't tell you any of this stuff so you're left to wonder and waste time. In general, the game still does not live up to the hype, don't get me wrong. The visuals they sold the game on are twice as good as the game ever looks like. Still have murky planets, shytty textures, retardly moving animals, and still too many time wasters. It takes minutes of real world time to travel between points.

But thats what makes this game different and contributed to why i hated it soo much at first. The game takes its time, and won't allow you to cheat its time. There aren't any shortcuts. I've been trained in the COD mode for the last couple years, instant gratification. Nothing here is instant.

Once you accept that, cool things start to happen. There are paradise like planets that are extraordinary. Almost, beautiful. Giant aliens walking around. Yesterday one of them attacked me, so i went in and slaughtered all their young and then stood on top of a mountain zapping them with lasers. Right now, i wanna get my ship status up so i can murk out some pirates, pretty much everytime they see me i get robbed, gotta get on the offensive.

I'm probably on the midlife of enjoying it, don't imagine it getting much better until i get to the exotic material, still tho, there's something dope about landing on a planet and not knowing what's waiting for you. Finding trees and beaches is cool everytime. Mining the shyt out of a gold rich planet to buy a new ship. If they even offer just mild DLC, this game will keep me going for a while.

To my brehs that bought it and let it collect dust, fukk with the tips i said and just take your time with it. Play it like a game you play between other games. I bought it digital, and if i had a physical copy it would've already been at rape stop, but i picked up playing it again one day when overwatch had an update and i needed something to do.

Game is a solid 7.5 out of 10, but a 9/10 on uniqueness.

Edit: just wanna add in, the sounds are 9.5/10 from music to animal life, play this with the PS4 gold boys and shoot them aliens brehs
and there ya go. someone who actually OWNS the game. i agree with everything you said.

except the beginning part was not borrowing to me. it was crazy tedious. But i'm a patient person. Most people nowadays are not patient. most people period are not patient. but its worse now because we all are on an instant gratification kick. if this website takes more than 2 seconds to load up. i'm quitting it. even though in the early days it took who knows how long to get AOL's home screen to come up on dial up. ha ha.

as far as games are concerned. the youngins these days. dont really want great gameplay with any real difficulty. because they will look for ways to cheese/exploit the game. when they do that. they then get mad about how easy it is to do X, Y and Z. and i'm thinking. maybe if you just played the game the way it was meant to be played and not LOOK for exploits. maybe..just maybe you could have fun too. but they can't do that. because they are always on a speed run to complete a game. as if that achievement means something in the real world. lol.

the reason they gave you literally NO instructions on this game and said here you're on a foreign planet with limited instructions. figure it out. thats due to the fact this is a survival game/explorers game. you have to survive in order to explore.

and thats actually realistic. the people who have explored different parts of the globe throughout time had to go thru the same issue. "ooo look at that pretty thing over there." but wait i can't go over there because its across a body of water. I can't breath under water for that long. so now i have to walk all the way around. this is taking too long. and now i'm walking into enemy territory or some crazy animals might get at me. or the food supply is no where near where i'm walking. or its too hot over here. etc. etc. thats real life exploration. it is about survival while exploring. and gathering resources/tools to better your exploration experience. with all that said. this game is open to better updates if hello games chooses to do so. it could be a game that is played for years if they are serious with the extras/ updates. and they do it right. otherwise it will just become a time killer after you've explored enough. because there are parts of it that still looks beautiful. and its just a chill relaxing thing to see.

Dank Hill

May 25, 2012
lol they gone

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