Hmmm, so is any sort of multiplayer even possible with the existing code? Sounds like if you and I happen to meet up at the same planet we'll see our own procedurally generated version of the planet. Or does the code work in such a manner that the first person to discover a plant has their procedurally generated version of the planet saved as "the" version of the planet on the server?
Not that I'm really pressing for multiplayer, I'm fine with the game the way it is. But it would be cool and I'm just curious to know how it would work.
in order for multiplayer to work, everything would have to be synced up
it's kind of like how Minecraft works: when you start a new game, you have the option to enter a "seed". this is basically a variable that gets plugged into the formula that generates the world. different numbers will produce different worlds. but if
you and I use the same "seed", we will get the same world. but if we're both playing singleplyer, we'll never see each other. with multiplayer all clients connected to the server get the same "seed". plus things like time of day, location of npc's, etc, are also synced to the server. this usually means you can't pause the game, since it has to keep going for other players
everyone in No Man's Sky gets the same "seed", but nothing is synced to a server (besides the names of stuff). when those dudes on reddit went to the same planet, it was a completely different time of day for both of them. plus animals and such were in different spots. and you can pause the game
AFAIK the only "multiplayer" is the ability to name stuff. dude keeps teasing some other "multiplayer easter eggs", but it remains to be seen what that is