Nikki Bella spoke with the New York Post for a new interview discussing Ronda Rousey’s promo on last week’s Raw taking shots at her relationship with John Cena. Highlights are below:
On her relationship with John Cena getting credited for her success:“I’ve grown thick-skinned to it. I just can’t wait for the day it can stop and not every promo towards me brings up my ex and I think it will [stop]. I think there will come a day for that, but maybe there won’t, but I do hope so.”
On wanting WWE to move beyond the idea that woman slept their way to the top: “I think we are taking some old ways and bringing it into [Evolution]. I definitely hope it changes, and I think it will because I think the women are better than that. I think we can tell empowering stories that have nothing to do with men or how men define us because that’s the point of Evolution. We define ourselves as women. We want the equality. We don’t want to be defined by our men or our relationships because almost every woman is in a relationship with another wrestler in our industry. It’s crazy. I’ve never seen it like this, but it’s beautiful. We are such a big family.”
On Ronda Rousey’s digs at her in their feud: “I think it’s just going to depend on the storyline, the situation, are they the one driving the show.”
On how she reacts to the perception that she got ahead by dating Cena: “I guess where it doesn’t make me angry or feel bad about myself is I know the hard work that I’ve done to get where I’m at. I know the stuff that … John didn’t do what everyone said. He was my biggest supporter. He gave me amazing advice. I’d pick his brain all the time, and that’s what he did for my career, [like] everyone who has that special person in their life…I think for me, this is the part where not only do men need to evolve, but [also] women that just because a woman is successful doesn’t mean it’s because of her man,” Nikki said. “I think it’s unfair.”
@Kidd Dibiase