Nightmare: When Women enter the desperate Zone (MUST READ)


Still hiding
Apr 4, 2013
When a woman thinks her biological clock is ticking, she is vulnerable. When she begins to set wedding dates between one birthday and the next, she is easy prey. When all she has achieved and is achieving pale into insignificance beside her desire to ‘settle down’, that is when she becomes a plaything in the hands of men. She is finally in that place called the desperate zone. Here, she can no longer see a simple friendship for what it is.

She reads meaning into everything her boyfriend says even when the guy can’t remember what he said or when he said it. Every man who winks or smiles at her is a prospective husband. She attends every singles meeting in her church and every church, believing Mr Right is hidden in next week’s singles summit or at worst at the end of the year ‘love feast for singles’. She watches out for such themes as ‘ I must marry this year’ on church posters. She is at that point where she feels incomplete, and that is putting it mildly. Most women actually at this point feel like failures.

They feel all the witches and wizards in their villages are behind the problem. The evil ones have covered their faces with evil veil or caged their prospective husbands. That could be true and it may be far off the mark. I have learnt not to tell a desperate 37 or 40 year old woman searching for a husband that I know how she feels. It just does not work. What further compounds the troubles of the 40-year-old desperate sister is the army of marauding opportunist males who know what she wants, dangle it in front of her nose, do what they wanna do and move on, leaving her bitter and more desperate. It’s awful and men like that need instant justice, if you ask me. But since you didn’t, let’s move on.

So, a man meets a woman in her late 30s, beautiful, stylish, great job, independent and single. Her guard down, she let it slip that she is looking forward to becoming a wife and mum now that her career is at a cruising altitude. He smacks his lips and sinks his teeth into her. He knows he will not marry her or even allow his seeds get anywhere near her womb but he still strings her along, probably waste another one year she can ill afford. When he has had his fill, he discards her like used tissue paper and moves on. Another one comes along and goes as far as introducing her to his family, and then zooms of just when she thinks they have something going. She tries a younger man, lets him use her cars which he also deploys to taking his sweet 16s to the movies. He worships her . She keeps the juice flowing and when he’s done sucking the juice out of her orange, he throws her away

The Sun News Every woman.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining

Payback for all the shyt they used to do to nikkas in their prime.


The whole premise is bullshiit on a global level ...maybe not on a national level .... what I mean is that there are billions of eligible men out there .... I know there are alot of variables out there that prevent that ....and some might even say that's unrealistic, but what is unrealistic is that there is not enough men..... its FALSE... . technically there is no shortage of availabe marriageable men

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012

Payback for all the shyt they used to do to nikkas in their prime.

I agree, EVERY WOMAN has a man in their lives that will drop everything for her...but there is always some bull shyt stipulation like she makes 100k and he "only" makes 80k or she's 5'10 and he's 5'10 so when she wears heels she's taller than him...

Women do that for 20 some odd years and then think that Prince Charming awaits them at the end of the rainbow...fukk that shyt. :ufdup:

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
When a woman thinks her biological clock is ticking, she is vulnerable. When she begins to set wedding dates between one birthday and the next, she is easy prey. When all she has achieved and is achieving pale into insignificance beside her desire to ‘settle down’, that is when she becomes a plaything in the hands of men. She is finally in that place called the desperate zone. Here, she can no longer see a simple friendship for what it is.

She reads meaning into everything her boyfriend says even when the guy can’t remember what he said or when he said it. Every man who winks or smiles at her is a prospective husband. She attends every singles meeting in her church and every church, believing Mr Right is hidden in next week’s singles summit or at worst at the end of the year ‘love feast for singles’. She watches out for such themes as ‘ I must marry this year’ on church posters. She is at that point where she feels incomplete, and that is putting it mildly. Most women actually at this point feel like failures.

They feel all the witches and wizards in their villages are behind the problem. The evil ones have covered their faces with evil veil or caged their prospective husbands. That could be true and it may be far off the mark. I have learnt not to tell a desperate 37 or 40 year old woman searching for a husband that I know how she feels. It just does not work. What further compounds the troubles of the 40-year-old desperate sister is the army of marauding opportunist males who know what she wants, dangle it in front of her nose, do what they wanna do and move on, leaving her bitter and more desperate. It’s awful and men like that need instant justice, if you ask me. But since you didn’t, let’s move on.

So, a man meets a woman in her late 30s, beautiful, stylish, great job, independent and single. Her guard down, she let it slip that she is looking forward to becoming a wife and mum now that her career is at a cruising altitude. He smacks his lips and sinks his teeth into her. He knows he will not marry her or even allow his seeds get anywhere near her womb but he still strings her along, probably waste another one year she can ill afford. When he has had his fill, he discards her like used tissue paper and moves on. Another one comes along and goes as far as introducing her to his family, and then zooms of just when she thinks they have something going. She tries a younger man, lets him use her cars which he also deploys to taking his sweet 16s to the movies. He worships her . She keeps the juice flowing and when he’s done sucking the juice out of her orange, he throws her away

The Sun News Every woman.

Its especially true if she is older and does not have kids yet. Anyone will do. smh.

Sad thing is she going to be mislead and end up being a late blooming single mom.


Still hiding
Apr 4, 2013
Its especially true if she is older and does not have kids yet. Anyone will do. smh.

Sad thing is she going to be mislead and end up being a late blooming single mom.

This is the moment simps and beta males :eat:

Then she settles with a :flabbynsick: "provide" and has a child.

By a year or two the sex life is dead.

He cant leave cause his trapped.

The cycle continues.

Action Jackson

Can I live
Jul 27, 2012
I think females and males for that matter should be picky until they're 30. But once they hit that mark it's time to lower the standards females especially. And dudes our shot clock might not tick as fast as the girls but we still have to have a sense of urgency as well. You don't wanna be teaching your boy how to ball on some Larry Holmes status. And chances are you won't age like George Clooney or Denzel Washington so keep that in mind.


Poster of the Year
Jul 20, 2012
Once that biological clock start ticking it's easy to feast:lmao::lmao:

That's when they most likely to trap yo ass tho (kid wise)