
45 pound difference. And he was 33 when he did that not some kid. The shyt these actors do to their bodies sometimes is insane.
Theres a fittness/body builder dude on youtube who chronicles these actors body transformations and speculates how they got that big and what potential roids they on.
its not a secret...these actors take stuff when they need to and/or asked to look a certain way..it is what it is lol
I’m a fan of his movies but give anybody the time these actors have to get ready for a role, with the budget for the best trainer & nutritionists….it’s probably not as hard as you think if your dedicated.
For the amount of money they get paid I would put down the pop tarts too.
Christian Bale is the king of this shyt. Have you seen the Machinist where he looks liek an anorexic, he then makes Batman Begins. Then The Fighter. Dude always losing serious weight then gaining it back again. Dude is crazy.Of course, I have zero doubt that virtually every actor with a roided-looking body is roided up. I mean you're not a natural athlete, your body is only one portion of your profession, you have a limited time to make it look appropriate, most roles prioritize cartoonish body types (no boxing movie is gonna feature an actor with a Tyson Fury body), and there is absolutely zero testing. How would they not use roids unless they are paranoid about the health effects? And the guys paranoid about the health effects either aren't going to get those roles or aren't gonna look like cartoon characters when they get them.
That's what I meant by abusing their bodies - they take a lot of shyt with not particularly good long-term consequences.
He had a normal body type without any obvious extra fat (a muscular 6'0" 180lbs) and then dropped THIRTY pounds off of that. 6'0" 150lbs is pretty fukking crazy for someone who doesn't even have a skinny frame. I'm just under 6'1" and when I got sick overseas and dropped down to 165lbs I looked skinny and gaunt as fukk, it's hard to imagine where 150lbs would have put me. Can't be good for your body.
Then in less than 8 months he gained those 30lbs back AND added another 15lbs. Somehow added 45lbs in less than 8 months while maintaining 10-12% body fat at most. And that's at the age of 33, not in his late teens/early 20s when it's a lot easier to build weight quickly without "assistance" or fat gains.
It just seems like a pretty serious body toll. And I know other actors have done similar shyt, was just surprised to realize those two extremes came within the same year.
No doubt these actors are roided up. Hugh Jackman as Wolverine & Zac Efron in Baywatch come to mind.
Christian Bale is the king of this shyt. Have you seen the Machinist where he looks liek an anorexic, he then makes Batman Begins. Then The Fighter. Dude always losing serious weight then gaining it back again. Dude is crazy.
I think even the less obvious ones are roided up. Athletes do it to gain the slightest advantage despite having to dodge testing. If you're an actor and there's no testing at all, and little real-world benefit to training 3 hours a day trying to get the perfect body, are you really not going to take shortcuts? Especially considering that most actors don't exactly strike me as the sort of people who would avoid shortcuts.
Yeah, I hadn't seen it but heard crazy shyt about his Machinist role. 6' 120lbs ???
Looks like someone did a slideshow of the transformations. This looks horrible.
Theres a fittness/body builder dude on youtube who chronicles these actors body transformations and speculates how they got that big and what potential roids they on.