New York AG Letitia James has filed a civil fraud lawsuit against former President Donald Trump and others, according to court records.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

New York AG Letitia James files $250M lawsuit against Trump for defrauding lenders, others​

ABC News

For 20 years, Donald Trump and his family enriched themselves through "numerous acts of fraud and misrepresentations," New York Attorney General Letitia James alleges in a new lawsuit that accuses the Trumps of "grossly" inflating the former president's net worth by billions of dollars and cheating lenders and others with false and misleading financial statements.

The civil lawsuit, filed Wednesday in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, seeks a $250 million judgment and a prohibition on any of the Trumps leading a company in the state of New York.

Among other allegations, the suit claims that the former president’s Florida estate and golf resort, Mar-a-Lago, was valued as high as $739 million, but should have been valued at around one-tenth that amount, at $75 million. The suit says that higher valuation was "based on the false premise that it was unrestricted property and could be developed for residential use even though Mr. Trump himself signed deeds donating his residential development rights and sharply restricting changes to the property."

James is referring her findings to federal prosecutors in Manhattan, who could possibly open a criminal investigation into bank fraud, according to a footnote in the lawsuit.

Through "persistent and repeated business fraud," the Trumps convinced banks to lend money to the Trump Organization on more favorable terms than deserved, according to the lawsuit, which named the former president, three of his adult children, the company, and two of its executives, Allan Weisselberg and Jeff McConney.

"Mr. Trump made known through Mr. Weisselberg that he wanted his net worth on the Statements to increase -- a desire Mr. Weisselberg and others carried out year after year in their fraudulent preparation of the Statements," the lawsuit said. "The scheme to inflate Mr. Trump's net worth also remained consistent year after year."

Weisselberg last month pleaded guilty to unrelated criminal charges of tax evasion brought by the Manhattan district attorney's office, which has been conducting a parallel investigation.

Trump has denied wrongdoing and has called the investigation a politically motivated "witch hunt" by an attorney general he has called "racist." James, who is black, rejected a settlement offer from the Trump Organization last month to resolve the matter, sources told ABC News.

PHOTO: A wide angle view shows the main entrance of Trump Tower in New York, Feb, 2020.

A wide angle view shows the main entrance of Trump Tower in New York, Feb, 2020.
Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via AP, FILE
During a deposition last month, Trump repeatedly invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. The lawsuit includes numerous instances in which Trump invoked the Fifth when asked to explain how the company calculated the value of certain properties. In a civil trial, jurors would be able to draw a negative inference about Trump declining to answer.

The attorney general's investigation began in March 2019, after Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, testified before Congress that Trump's annual financial statements inflated the values of Trump's assets to obtain favorable terms for loans and insurance coverage, while also deflating the value of other assets to reduce real estate taxes.

The suit also said a 2012 statement valued rent-stabilized apartments in the Trump Park Avenue property as if they could be rented at market value. As a result, units collectively worth $750,000 were valued at nearly $50 million, according to the lawsuit.

Trump Turnberry, a golf club in Scotland, was valued at nearly $127 million, but the suit said that since it opened in 2017 the golf course has operated at a loss each year.

"As a result, using values for the golf course ranging between $123 million and $126.8 million based on employing the Fixed Asset Scheme is materially false and misleading; the golf course should have been valued at a much lower figure," the attorney general's suit said.

"The magnitude of financial benefit derived by Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization by means of these fraudulent and misleading submissions was considerable," the suit said.
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Trump Sued for Fraud by New York Attorney General​

In the culmination of a yearslong investigation and a series of legal skirmishes, Letitia James accused the former president of systematically misstating the value of his properties.

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New York State’s attorney general, Letitia James, announced a lawsuit against Donald J. Trump and his family real estate business.CreditCredit...Todd Heisler/The New York Times

1 new update


Sept. 21, 2022, 11:33 a.m. ET5 minutes ago5 minutes ago
Jonah E. Bromwich, William K. Rashbaum and Ben Protess

The lawsuit accuses the former president of profiting from a ‘staggering’ fraud.

Donald J. Trump, his family business and three of his adult children lied to lenders and insurers for more than a decade, fraudulently overvaluing his assets by billions of dollars in a sprawling scheme, according to a lawsuit filed on Wednesday by the New York attorney general, Letitia James, who is seeking to bar the Trumps from ever running a business in the state again.
Ms. James concluded that Mr. Trump and his family business violated several state criminal laws and “plausibly” broke federal criminal laws as well. Her office, which in this case lacks authority to file criminal charges, referred the findings to federal prosecutors in Manhattan; it was not immediately clear whether the U.S. attorney would investigate.
The 220-page lawsuit, filed in New York State Supreme Court, lays out in new and startling detail how, according to Ms. James, Mr. Trump’s annual financial statements were a compendium of lies. The statements, yearly records that include the company’s estimated value of his holdings and debts, wildly inflated the worth of nearly every one of his marquee properties — from Mar-a-Lago in Florida to Trump Tower and 40 Wall Street in Manhattan, according to the lawsuit.
Although the lawsuit against Donald J. Trump cannot include criminal charges, the former president could face substantial financial penalties.

Although the lawsuit against Donald J. Trump cannot include criminal charges, the former president could face substantial financial penalties.Credit...Maddie McGarvey for The New York Times
The company also routinely spurned the assessments of outside experts: After a bank ordered an appraisal that found 40 Wall Street was worth $200 million, the Trumps promptly valued it at well over twice that number. Overall, the lawsuit said that 11 of Mr. Trump’s annual financial statements included more than 200 false and misleading asset valuations.
“The number of grossly inflated asset values is staggering, affecting most if not all of the real estate holdings in any given year,” according to the lawsuit. Ms. James, a Democrat who is running for re-election, filed the lawsuit, which comes just weeks after the former president refused to answer hundreds of questions under oath in an interview with Ms. James’s office.
Mr. Trump has long used his net worth to construct a public persona as a self-made billionaire, an image that underpinned his initial run for the White House. But, according to Ms. James, he had a financial motivation for inflating his property values.
His company, the Trump Organization, provided the fraudulent financial statements to lenders and insurers, her suit said, “to obtain beneficial financial terms,” including lower interest rates and lower premiums. All told, Ms. James said, he was able to obtain a quarter of a billion dollars in ill-gotten gains, money that she now wants the company to forfeit.
Lawyers for Mr. Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Ms. James, who has become one of Mr. Trump’s primary antagonists, is looking to extract a steep price from the former president and his company. Her lawsuit asks a judge to appoint an independent monitor to oversee the company’s financial practices, while ousting the Trumps from the leadership of their own family business; Ms. James also wants to prevent the family from acquiring real estate in New York for five years in order to preclude the company from reinventing itself in Florida while expanding its New York operations.
If she is successful, Mr. Trump — as well as his children who are named as defendants, Eric, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr. — will also be permanently barred from serving as officers or directors in any New York company, essentially chasing them out of the state. While Ms. James stopped short of trying to dissolve the Trump Organization altogether, she wants to shut down at least some of his New York operations.
Construction workers removed the Trump branding from what was the Trump International Hotel after Trump completed the sale of the hotel in May.

Construction workers removed the Trump branding from what was the Trump International Hotel after Trump completed the sale of the hotel in May.Credit...Kenny Holston for The New York Times
While Mr. Trump has often leveraged law enforcement scrutiny to portray himself as a political martyr and raise money from his supporters, Ms. James’s lawsuit strikes at the foundation of his public image and his sense of self. Its detailed dissection of Mr. Trump’s financial statements suggests that the success he has attributed to financial savvy and business acumen are instead the product of fraud and chicanery.
There was the Westchester County golf club that was valued as if it had charged hefty initiation fees that were never actually collected, the “cash” that Mr. Trump counted as his own even though it belonged to one of his partners in a commercial real estate venture, and the pretense that his Mar-a-Lago club and home and his golf course in Scotland could make money from lucrative residential development, even though Mr. Trump and his family business had entered agreements limiting their ability to do so.
In yet another example cited in the case, the Trump Organization starkly overvalued a group of rent-stabilized apartments in its building on Park Avenue that Donald Trump Jr. once described as being “the bane” of his existence. Instead of acknowledging that the value of some apartments was capped in the building, Trump Park, the company listed the overall residential units as worth $292 million, multiplying by six the figure that appraisers had assigned to the building’s residential units and storage spaces.
Yet her case against him could be difficult to prove. Property valuations are often subjective, and the financial statements include a disclaimer that they have not been audited. Mr. Trump famously does not use email, so any instructions he might have given his employees about the company’s financial statements might not be in writing. The lack of a damning email — or a witness inside his company willing to testify against him — might complicate her effort to show that he intentionally used his financial statements to defraud lenders and insurers.
Still, the lawsuit compounds Mr. Trump’s legal woes. He is facing a number of criminal investigations focused on his conduct in his final weeks in office: Last month, the F.B.I. searched Mar-a-Lago as part of an investigation into his removal of sensitive material from the White House; federal prosecutors are investigating his efforts to reverse his 2020 election loss; and a Georgia district attorney is conducting a criminal investigation into his potential election interference in the state.
Mr. Trump has cast each inquiry as part of a never-ending “witch hunt” and denied all wrongdoing. It is unclear whether he will be criminally charged as a result of any of them.
The authorities in New York have been investigating Mr. Trump and his family business since 2018, when the Manhattan district attorney’s office opened an investigation into the then-president. The following year, Ms. James’s civil inquiry began, and both offices began to zero in on the way that Mr. Trump’s company valued its assets.
As part of its investigation, the Manhattan district attorney pressured the Trump Organization’s chief financial officer, Allen H. Weisselberg, to turn on his longtime employer and began to focus on lucrative off-the-books perks he received from the company. When Mr. Weisselberg declined to cooperate with prosecutors, the office charged him and the Trump Organization with a yearslong scheme to avoid paying taxes on those benefits.
The company is scheduled to go to trial in October; Mr. Weisselberg, who is also a defendant in Ms. James’s suit, pleaded guilty to 15 felonies and agreed to testify at the trial, putting the company at a significant disadvantage.
The Manhattan criminal investigation, which lawyers from Ms. James’s office are participating in, has not resulted in charges against Mr. Trump, and he has not been accused of any wrongdoing. Early this year,the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, instructed prosecutors to halt their effort to seek an indictment of Mr. Trump after he and his aides developed concerns about the strength of a criminal case, which would have a higher bar of proof than a civil case like Ms. James’s.
Their investigation has continued but does not appear likely to result in charges against Mr. Trump in the foreseeable future.
Letitia James,the New York attorney general, had pledged to hold Mr. Trump accountable for business practices she said were illegal.

Letitia James,the New York attorney general, had pledged to hold Mr. Trump accountable for business practices she said were illegal.Credit...Todd Heisler/The New York Times
Ms. James does not have the authority to indict Mr. Trump. But a footnote in the lawsuit said she provided her findings to the office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, noting that the conduct detailed in the complaint appears to violate federal law, specifically bank fraud and false statements to a bank.
The lawsuit represents the culmination of a contentious yearslong civil investigation that Mr. Trump and his lawyers sought to thwart and delay at nearly every turn.
In April, a New York State judge held Mr. Trump in contempt of court for failing to fully comply with a subpoena from Ms. James seeking some of his personal records. The judge, Arthur F. Engoron, eventually lifted the contempt order, but only after Mr. Trump paid a $110,000 penalty.
Justice Engoron also ordered Mr. Trump and two of his adult children — Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr. — to face questioning under oath from Ms. James’s investigators. ( Eric Trump was previously questioned for the investigation and invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination hundreds of times.) And in May, a New York State appeals court panel unanimously upheld that ruling, forcing Mr. Trump and his children to sit for depositions.The string of losses for Mr. Trump appeared to embolden Ms. James and clear a path for her lawsuit, which had seemed imminent for months.
Early this year, Ms. James outlined the contours of her case in court papers, and disclosed in one filing that Mr. Trump’s longtime accounting firm cut ties with the former president and essentially retracted a decade’s worth of his financial statements. The firm, Mazars USA, compiled the financial statements based on information from Mr. Trump and his company, which “engaged in conduct intended to mislead Mazars in connection with its work compiling the statements, including by concealing important information,” the lawsuit contends.
Mr. Trump’s lead accountant testified under oath in a deposition that he was “shocked by the size of the discrepancy” between the value for the rent stabilized units at Trump Park listed in a 2010 outside appraisal and the value the Trump Organization assigned to the units. He also testified that he would not have issued the statements with the asset values the company provided for the building if he had been told about the 2010 appraisal, another one in 2020, or the fact that several units were rent stabilized.
In some years, Mr. Trump’s financial statements contained clear contradictions, according to the lawsuit. His golf clubs, for example, derived some of their value from Mr. Trump’s “brand premium” — despite the annual statement “expressly advising” that the worth of his brand was not included in the figures.
In fighting the case, Mr. Trump’s lawyers will likely point out the disclaimer in his financial statements saying that Mazars had not audited the valuations. They also would likely argue that the Trump Organization submitted the statements to sophisticated financial institutions that conducted their own due diligence and profited in their dealings with Mr. Trump.
Anticipating this defense, the lawsuit contends that Mr. Trump’s valuations “cannot be brushed aside or excused as merely the result of exaggeration or good faith estimation about which reasonable real estate professionals may differ.” Instead, the lawsuit argued, the Trumps used “objectively false assumptions and blatantly improper methodologies with the intent and purpose of falsely and fraudulently inflating Mr. Trump’s net worth.”

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Live conference. You can rewind it once it's over. She goes into very good detail on the financial criminal activity. Much better than the article.

She going after the Trump 3 children, CFO and Controller too. And she referred federal bank fraud crimes to SDNY and the IRS.

Tish James just got the Trump Foundation shut down through the courts 3 years ago. If she severely damage the Trump Organization through the courts too? :whew: